Tuesday, December 22, 2009

There is a 3rd turn on this street, it's called school! Yesterday was officially the last day for 2 blessed weeks. Now if I can just get through 8 hours of work tomorrow, I will be able to relax the rest of the holiday. No big plans other than visiting family and friends on a leisurely schedule. No hectic itinerary this year. By 7 pm tomorrow I will be sitting in front of another roaring fire, glass of red and some good company. Nice. Same serenity I had tonight, minus the red. All in good time..... SO to all of you, have a wonderful, blessed and safe holiday, and remember the reason for the season.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Local girl done good. Although I do not claim to know Mrs. Baskett aka Kendra, she is a local chic from Clairemont who keeps it real and is such a spunky little thing. I just love her to pieces and could not be happier for her and the hubbie on their newborn baby boy, a true blessing and bundle of joy. May they be all healthy, happy and loved. P.S. what a hottie she hooked. Hey, Kendra is no average "Girl next door" but lawd hab'mercy the Hankster is a fine specimen. Aye Dios Mio!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Still Dancing

Wow, what a random week. I will assume the big guy upstairs had a master plan for me and that is why he kept me home all week from work. The rain has been scattered the last few days until yesterday afternoon when a flight out of my typical realm lead me to hit up the Casino all by my lonesome for a play date with my favorite Indians.

What an odd day it turned out to be. I must have stepped out of myself and donned another personality for all the mischief I got into. By 1 p.m. I was sitting in front of a penny slot machine called "Go Ape", mimosa in one hand, cigar in the other. The elderly gentleman next to me was checking me out and not even trying to disguise his wandering eyes. I have to admit I got a tickle out of this. My ripped jeans, wrap blouse and heels had this guy drooling. He sparked conversation and when I began a winning streak, put a $20 in my slot, no pun intended. That $20 turned into almost $80 and when I cashed out (I know when to stop people)he asked me to join him for lunch at the fabulous buffet there, which I politely accepted. Who would have thought the day that started with champagne by 1 would end up with a suga' daddy by 3? And please believe... I have his number safely tucked into my cell phone. 'Ol Arthur just may be a good guy to have in my corner in this economy.

The rain must have been brewing during my masquerade, as I stepped out gripping my winnings into a torrential downpour, with no bumbershoot. Oh well... at least I didn't scrape my knee or break a heel in my frantic walk to the back 40 where my chariot awaited. As I depart the casino dripping wet, I get a call from an old flame inviting me for an afternoon visit. Feeling frisky, I stopped by on my way home and well.. let's say, made him a happy man.

By 5 p.m. I had a steaming hot shower and was burrowed in flannel sheets and a down comforter in my own bed. The funny thing.. no one in my house was none the wiser. Ahh how I cherish my freaky tales, especially when I am the only person who has the whole script. I truly did Go Ape today

Monday, December 7, 2009

Rain Dance

Some may disagree with me, but today is a beautiful day in San Diego. I have to admit, it started off rather irritating as I drove almost two hours in pouring rain to the other side of town, only to be turned away at the office I was scheduled at to work. I suppose I could have been really pissed off all day but...... trying to find my silver lining, I used the morning for a breakfast date with a friend, some holiday shopping and homework is next. This day also has allowed me to be a good mummy and get my daughter after school so she is spared the walk home and possible winter cold that may result. OK, so it is not quite winter yet but why split hairs? I found some photo's from the morning news to share. A day in Southern California with pouring rain results in idiots who drive reckless, people always trying to cross the San Diego River thinking their car will somehow make it, and the general flooding in Mission Beach. Get out the sandbags, San Diegan's, it's gonna be a wild ride.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Life, Laugh, Love

What a week indeed. Lots of ups and downs and several u-turns, but all things considered, I am still blessed individual. Now that school is in full swing and the wrinkles have been ironed out on the job front, things seem to be running smooth. The "live" part is full of paperwork, assignments and holiday shopping. "Laugh" consists of the oddities of people around me and the childish actions of adults who should be much more mature by this stage of life. I can only giggle at it and take pride in being above it. The "love" is the biggest and best part of my life and can be summed up in three words. Friends and Family. Without the presence of my children, parents and friends, I would not be the person I am. You all bring the best out of me and that is no easy task, I assure you.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Feeling very lonely today despite being around people. My closest friends are either distant or some distance away. No special someone to lay next to. I say often how I am happily single but I am human and sometimes I get weepy too. My clost friendship is so strained right now. Although no bad words have been said, we are both remaning distant. Without valid explanation. I miss telling her things and hearing her voice.

I miss a man of equity calling me every so often. Miss the little things such as blockbuster nights, coffee houses or that kind of closeness felt even when no words are spoken. I feel like I am alone in my own little world. But how does one feel alone even surrounded by people?

Tonight I cry silently so the others don't hear. Don't want to lay my burdens on anyone. I crave sleep to find me and to do it fast but it doesn't. The sandman passes me by waving to me. I am wide awake with my thoughts how easy it is to remember good times with past relationships and block out the bad. Remembering the inside jokes and little games we would play. Trying to block the arguing, tears and anger. The after effect of weeping for something that could have been beautiful.

But life moves on, numbness ensues and memories of feelings fade. Until a night like tonight.. silence surrounds me, save for an occaional rustle of trees. Darkness stealthily creeps in. Then I hear the soft sound of a snoring dog at my feet and a daughter sleeping, burrowed down next to me mumbling in her sleep. She misses time with her mama so she asks if she can at least sleep next to me. Ah the light beginning to reappear. Wrong again. It is simply daybreak. Another sleepless night.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Old School

When exactly did people become so reliant on electronic media to remain in contact? What happened to picking up a telephone (yes! once people actually HAD these in their homes, connected to a wall outlet and everything!)and phoning someone for a chat? When was the last time you came home from work and played your answering machine and hoped there was at least one personal message from a live voice calling to say hello? I think my answering machine is having an affair with the computer generated voice who calls everyday from the Union Tribune trying to sell me subscriptions.

I have to admit that I sometimes call someone hoping they are not home so I can simply leave a quick message with the pertinent information and hang up without a long discussion. Seriously, after a 9 hour day at work I am just not up to hearing about your ingrown toenail or what the neighbors-sister's-friends-cousin in law got arrested for. Come to think of it, these are things I would rather not hear about at all.

Voice mail and text messaging has become the ruler of the new milineum, folks. For parenting sake, text is a great tool for the kids to check in when mama bear is at work and cannot answer her phone. Or to send a loved one a quick "Hello, thinking of you." But relying on this medium for all contact? And please do not even get me started on the lack of mail correspondence with actual handwritten words on stationary.

I have revolted against the full throttle texting where entire conversations take place. SO much is lost in translation. A person's inflection cannot be heard and there are only so many emoticons you can add with a keyboard. From this day forward I have made a vow to use text as a simple tool and nothing more. When I wish to SPEAK to a friend or a member of my family, I will do the old fashioned thing... maybe even from my land line.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll

25 Random Things About Me...

1. For an odd reason I sometimes have brown roots!! Strange!!
2. I love to laugh - it's great therapy - and God knows I need LOTS of therapy!
3. I love the beauty of the beach, mountains and desert.
4. I am a Denver Bronco fan.
5. I have two teenage kids that actually get along - so rare but sooo awesome!
6. I have been a single mom for 17 years.
7. My biggest fear is dying alone. And going back to jail.
8. My favorite colors are pink, brown, green and blue.
9. I completed my AA in Human Services in May 2009, now back for my BA.
10. I love the rain - unless I have to drive in it.
11. I enjoy random conversations with strangers. You would be amazed what you can learn by opening your eyes ears and shutting your mouth.
12. I was born in San Diego and lived here my whole life, minus a 12 month stint in Virgina Beach.
13. I hate bridges, thieves, humidity, liars, creamed corn, war and fakes. No particular order.
14. I love the innocence and soft scent of a baby.
15. I have no serious regrets, without failures there would be no lesson learned.
16. I would give my last dollar to anyone of my close friends or family with no questions asked.
17. I believe everything happens for a reason.
18. I would love to travel the world - I love to travel anywhere!!
19. I love music - I can appreciate the art in it even if the final product is not to my particular taste.
20. I love to watch classic movies.
21. My biggest joys in life - DiAndre and Aliza.
22. My favorite food - Mexican, Italian, Vietnamese.
23. I love to sing - I'm not sure if anyone else likes it, but thats ok.
24. I Love to sew, stitch, write and ride my beach cruiser, amongst other things.
25. My favorite sayings are:

"For beautiful eyes, look for the goodness in others. For beautiful lips, only speak words of kindness. And for poise, always walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." ~Audrey Hepburn

"If you haven't cried, your eyes can't be beautiful. ~Sophia Loren

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust

OK so I wasn't exactly married or in a committed relationship, nevertheless, after a 180 pound burden was lifted off my shoulders today, I sure feel like a million smackers. An incongruous and insipid liason to say the least. I said it before, and I'll say it again... I require a relationship with equity and frankly, this one never had it from jump street. I accept my faults in this as learning experiences and file them away under the heading of "What, for the love of all that's holy, was I thinking?" If I wanted to cater I'd learn to cook and I damn sure can't gratify someone else's fragile ego. In a long line of life's priorities, a serious commitment, no matter how beautifully schematized, is just not in the cards (NOT that this ever came close to that category.)

So for the time being I will seek cuddles and warmth from my offspring, spiritual contentment from personal faith, intellectual stimulation while fulfilling my educational goals and companionship from friendships, tried and true. (And my dog)

On that note... WHERE MY BIATCHES AT????

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thank you, Ms. Hepburn

Well I got the pedicure/foot massage, watched forensic files, took the bubble bath, snuggled with the pupp and lots of studying done. Never quite got to my book, but I think it will have to stay on the back burner until I am done with this class. Que sera sera. Friday was a nice relaxing evening at home, snuggling with the daughter and watching an Audrey Hepburn marathon, our favorite classic movie actress. Saturday was filled with studying and homework followed by a lovely afternoon nap. Glory be to God. Today however, my bubble was busted thanks to the Broncos playing like crapola and the Bolts playing like it was the super bowl. I remain a class act though, and congratulated the SD fans on their win. Uuugh, I think I need a hug. Now, I write a letter to the broham, drink some pear tea and get ready for 60 minutes. Another week of chaos will soon ensue...

Friday, November 20, 2009




Thursday, November 19, 2009

Friday Eve

I think the image speaks for itself.... This is how I have felt every night this week, getting back into the regimen of work, school, kiddos, sleep, and finding time to "pay the water bill," let alone wash my hind quarter.... I wish one could learn through osmosis. ;-P

If only I looked as cute lying upon a pillow of text...

Monday, November 16, 2009

a Day of New Beginnings

Keeping it short tonight... Started working back on the old job today and it was interesting to say the least. Lots of changes, some good, some not-so-good, but overall I am just blessed and happy to be gainfully employed once again. Contextually speaking, I am back in the virtual classroom as well. The procedural calisthenics are out of the way and today being the first day in class, I already have boatloads of educational shenanigans (per se) on my calendar. I believe I have chosen my goals realistically though and look forward to continuing my "edumacation." The thrill of the educational hunt is ripe and in my scope... so readers, keep strength and courage in your prayers for yours truly, I need all I can get.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Roller Girl

What a weekend! I find myself saying TGIS, thank God it's SUNDAY! Friday evening was filled with wine, great company, fabulous conversation and a little slap and tickle. Saturday morning I awoke at said company's house a bit disoriented. A face splash of water combined with coffee-a-go-go and I was enroute home by 7 am. From there it was a whirlwind of brownie baking, crepe paper and balloons, housekeeping and preparing for an afternoon of 13 year old roller derby queens. Watching them made me miss donning on my old pink-wheeled skates with flourescent pink laces. I wonder what happened to those things, anyway? Indeed I see an adults-only venture to the rink in the near future....

This morning I woke up to a houseful of teen's cooking pancakes, waffles and sausage, sided with OJ. I grabbed a cup o' Joe and made a hasty escape upstairs to my private domain. Today will be strickly football, laundry and relaxation as tomorrow begins a new job and my first new class. On that note..... GO BRONCOS!!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

To All Oenophiles in the House....

Word of the day...

"Bacchus, n." A convenient diety invented by the ancients as an excuse for getting drunk.

And now for the quote of the day:

"Actually it only takes one drink to get me loaded. Trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or fourteenth." -Mr. George Burns

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Winds of Change

The past weekend was, for all intents and purposes, a party of one. Amazing how a road trip can change one's perspective on so many things. I have decided SL is a complete gausch and may very well be givin his walking papers in the very near future. But I digress..... a few shutterbug moments out in Palm Springs but nothing Earth shattering as I had hoped. For a desert full of beautiful scenery, I just couldn't get my mojo right and the photo's I got left much to be desired. As did the rest of the trip, actually.

There seems to be a foray of new things coming my way. Previously mentioned, I start my degree program next Monday. I am also happy beyond words to report I am once again gainfully employed. The indicative signs of better days ahead is well appreciated. I have a whole new perspective on things and anticipate a plethora of new adventures on the horizon of 2010.

The college bound son is submitting his applications to a University near you, which is not rocket science, but oh the details! Hard to believe in less than a year there will be one less offspring leaving dishes and socks around the house. The daughter reaches her teenage years tomorrow which will be celebrated with a whole new bedroom theme (unbeknownst to her thus far) and a family dinner, followed by a roller skating party on Saturday.

In the spirit of the diva's bedroom revamping, I also have begun a bedroom re-do, my artistic diection favoring a Breakfast at Tiffany's/Classic Hollywood theme... details to follow. So for now, I will sign off and open up the Singer and continue the creation process.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Buttons and Belly's

The week's almost over and many good things have come out of the hours. First and foremost, the decision to resume my education has been set in stone, all paperwork has been submitted and my expected start date is Nov 16th. I have been blessed to spend a lot of time with the offspring this week between school events, dinners at our seldom-used dining room table and even a few puzzles have been pieced together. Why is it that one single piece is always missing when you are done? The Jebediah of the jigsaw must have something against me finishing a puzzle and enjoying it with all 500 pieces locked in place. Moving along...

Today I spent a lovely afternoon con mi madre. I could not get my sewing machine to work but being the seamstress she is, mamasaan got it up and running in no time flat. Next stop was the fabric store where I bought over 20 yards of textile for projects put off for far too long. YAY for the old fashioned hobbies.

This evening I went to dinner with SL and enjoyed the most delish Japanese Teppanyaki at Shogun Kobe. The dinner would not be complete without a drink called a Samurai, served in the belly of a token Sumo wrestler. It now sits fondly on my mantle overlooking the livingrom domain. I think I may have overdone it because now all I can think about is SLEEP!


Monday, November 2, 2009

Lions, Hyennas, Meerkats and Warthogs..OH MY!!

Sunday dawned later than the norm, sleeping in and waking up next to a warm, snugglie teddy bear and enjoying a hot mug of Jamaican brew. It is pretty rare for this mama to endulge in an evening at home with a special someone with no pitter patter of children's feet running amok or playing Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew sleuth lurking in dark corners.

The evening was spent with the parental units, my offspring and myself. We broke bread at Fillipi's and were astounded by the Broadway performance of The Lion King. If you have never seen the live play version, I highly suggest this to be aded to your bucket list, calling it a performance to be reckoned with is a severe understatement.

Here it is Monday evening.. headaches, fever and sore throats seem to be ruling this hen house, so I shall call it an early night. I have a most delish cup of tea with clover honey, a furry dog and a Turner Classic movie starting. Who will win the battle for Sadie Thomspon's soul? Let me see what talents Miss Rita Hayworth brings to the 1952 screen gem production.

Fashion Police, part II

In the spirit of my last post, I will continue with a piece I wrote this past weekend while enjoying another Burbank visit. What a marvelous few days spent with the schmoooopsie. Girl talk, random IKEA treasures, hours lost in the bowels of a used book store and aimlessly wandering through The Village pondering the true meaning of life. (Incidently, I have not come up with the magic answer...) Add to this an outdoor Starbucks where I planted my arse with an LA Times and a post it pad for the following...

First in the line of sight, a mocha-skinned sista, scarf-covered headwrap, oversized shades and a yoga mat rolled up under her arm. She pulls her goggles down her nose and with bored eyes, inspects the ugg-booted vixen next to her. The look on her face blatantly testifies that the furry moccasins are soooo yesterday. She pushes her specs back up and walks off, her rear end in desperate need of spanx under her yoga pants.

Out exits a gal with flaming red hair, tattoos and a Starbucks cup, probably filled with an extra pretentious chai-something-or-other. At the crosswalk she decides her shoes aren’t worth the blisters so she promptly takes them off, tosses them in her shoulder bag and proceeds to cross Palm and stroll with abandon down San Fernando. Apparently this is her turf and the sidewalk rubbish knows better than to mess with her 10 piggies.

Catty-corner to me is a pavement prophet, standing in his pulpit in front of the Halloween store. He is preaching the good word to sinners leaving the store with bustling bags promising an evening filled with slutty pirates, serving wenches, Jon Gosselin impersonators or Tarzans in a loincloth. He speaks on the Lord’s resurrection and reminding us the literal term for redemption it “to buy back” in which souls cannot.

Next is a trendy motherista of two. The older child carries a supersized strawberries and crème frap (which incidently requires both hands to hold) and a backpack with a transformer stealthily rearing his evil head to innocent passers-by. Child number two is chilling out in a designer stroller and is completely invisible save for an orange and black striped baby bootie. Mom carries an Urban Outfitters bag with her goodies and, for the crumbsnatchers, a pink handled shopping bag from Justice, a trendy children’s boutique.

Suddenly, a 6 foot-something Adonis emerges looking like he has just stepped out of a calendar. It has been years since I have seen a specimen of this caliber and I wonder if I could put him on layaway for a time when I don't have a special guy in my heart.... If only my camera were ready. A blue convertible a few dents passed bruised carries the typical California girls. It screeches to a halt to appraise this dreamboat. As they pull away on the green light they giggle and sing the Gloria Naynor hit “I will survive” which I hope to be true because the driver appears to still be mastering the inner workings of the stick shift.

Even the elderly lady pushing a walker has on bedazzled support shoes and her walker is decked-out with red bows. She nods her head to me in friendly greeting and I reply in kind. Fancy that... the elderly person is the only one who extends a friendly nod. Apparently manners and signs of respect are old school characteristics not found in generaion "WHY??"

Burbank is indeed the grand poobah of cutting edge fashion folks, so bring you’re "A" game or risk the crushing blow of cutting eyes from the real movers and shakers of downtown suburbia. Have no real fear though, they may shoot an annoyed glance your diection but it will be done on the down low... they wouldn't want those gestures to be mistaken for a friendly adiou...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Unchartered Territory

Another week has passed according to my calendar. Not much to report… rather slow week, since tightening up the purse strings. Over a month without income… so my mind is a scope with finding a great employment opportunity centered in the crosshair. In the upcoming days I have a tentative plan to take a ride back to Burbank and attending the last few water polo games. I am also looking into returning to school sooner rather than later to earn my next degree. Big decisions in my future so stay tuned. Since I have a lack of interesting personal news I thought I would share a piece I wrote a few weeks ago....

Tuesday, 9:30 am. I sit decompressing at a new local coffee hut. Unfortunately this coffee has never seen the likes of Seattle and I cannot tell if the paper cup or the tar brew tastes worse. Trying to distract myself, I look around at this morning’s guest list and am flabbergasted. It is not even Halloween yet and I am scared beyond words at the fashion faux paus surrounding me. Disclaimer: I am no fashion gendarme. I am guilty of bad judgment calls a time or two (hundred). These are the offenders and I swear on a stack of bible’s these are actual people….

Exhibit A: mid 50’s age male, fire engine red slacks about 5 inches from the floor, resting comfortably on his upper ankles. Blue Superman T-shirt with matching ball cap and fanny pack. He walks in chugging a pint of milk on his nacreous lips, with white stunner shades as if trying to be incognito. I think Clark Kent got old and is making cameo appearances around town.

Exhibit B: elderly Asian woman, age undeterminable due to beautiful youthful skin. She has wounded eyes that tell a tale of many tough years under her belt. I can only smile at her wearing a “wessside” shirt complete with the 3 fingered hand gesture. She was too cute for words, with her chunky 4ft 10 or so frame, ordering green tea.

Exhibit C: middle aged male wearing an avocado colored dress shirt and an outspoken yellow and paisley tie which is fighting a losing dual with a gray hounds-tooth jacket. The still-wet-from-the-shower hair has been neatly combed over a large patch of baldness. Ahhh denial. I am guessing he is some sort of law enforcement due to the almost-disguised walkie talkie radio aiming for concealment on his hip but not covered because the jacket is about 2 sizes to small. He orders a black coffee, extra hot, largest size possible. I’m thinking… stakeout tools??? Maybe I should call one-adam-twelve on this fashion offender.

Exhibit D: 20-something female, predictable SDSU student. She wears hoop earrings the size of drink coasters, tiny shorts declaring her booty to be juicy, strappy tank, also with a declaration, “Yes, They are REAL!” A wool winter scarf doubled around her neck and snow boots completes her ensemble. Just for the record, San Diego is currently experiencing a heat wave and although it’s not even 10 am, it is a very humid 85 degrees already. She orders an iced latte because, and I quote, "It's soooo hot today!" Seriously? Try removing the winter neck scarf and Uggs!

Exhibit E: next is what appears to be a mid-40's business woman a few sunburns past beautiful. She stands statuesque in her Badgley Mischka sling-backs and an ebony Donna Karan skirt and jacket set. Her makeup attempting flawless, but failing due to the humidity in the atmosphere. Her hair is pulled tightly back into a bun which I suspect is a do-it-yourself-facelift. Peeking out of her Louis V purse is a trashy romance novel with the clichéd Fabio-esque character emblazed on the cover. Even cultured folk enjoy a tacky fable from time to time.

Exhibit F: a young brotha, appearing to be in his high school years, stereotypically dressed in baggy jeans, I am guessing about a size 40 around an actual 30-ish waistline. His trousers hang roughly halfway down his derriere and I imagine A-Team Underoos to be his draaawz of choice. The white T-shirt is only outdone by the silver plated chain link worn over it. I wonder if this jewelry also doubles as the lock for the Big Wheel he rode here in on. Tray Sheik, dude. Mister T called… he wants his bike lock back. “I pity the fool!”
I decide I have seen enough of this freak show and begin packing up my gear. In strolls what I assume to be a female. I only see “her” from the back as she has already approached the order counter. The haircut is a stylishly-clipped Bob and the attire is casual: Levi’s jeans, pink long sleeve blouse, open toed beaded sandals and a frog book bag. The patron turns around and low and behold, the face is unequivocally masculine. Full makeup, complete with lip gloss and rouge, does not distract from the protruding adams apple, bobbing like it is seeking its water tub counterpart for upcoming holiday festivities. This was no testament to genetics.

My mother always told me that one must accept people on their own terms and I have no ill regard for the visions before me at this locale. If anything, I find this afternoon quite humorous and a breath of fresh air on an otherwise depressing day. My guardian angel must have sent me here for an attitude adjustment. I thank this cherub because lately my smiles have been few and far in between.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Keep on Keepin on...

Photo: Burbank hills looking east through the foggy drizzle.

The week has varied from sweet to bitter depending on the day. Early in the week I made a quick overnight jaunt to visit of one of the most sincere, uplifting people in my little world. Her boy wonder was gone on business so there was none of his treasured Neanderthal advice this time around; his urban cowboy character was missed. After homogenizing my nagging cough via multiple servings of apple tea and female bonding, we called it an early night. Nic crashed out and I settled into a super fluffy bed with a new book, the steady rainfall outside served as my background music. The next morning I found myself awfully sedentary in her comfy home reading a book and snuggled in a cozy robe, the drizzle still fogging up the Burbank sky. Begrudgingly, I headed home.

The rest of the week was filled with water polo games, job searching, catching up on letters to my sibling and of course, never-ending errands. Lots of quality time with the little girl in my life, as she was enjoying a vacation from school. Shopping, board games, movies, biking and hiking filled our days. Friday one of the boys on my team dropped by with a breathtaking dozen long stem red roses, he stated they were for a happy 8 week anniversary. Hmmm, a bit scary but they were sweet and a nice sentiment nonetheless. I foresee this guy being an intellectual downgrade and with no mind stimulation, no physical stimulation is possible. I require a relationship with equity and frankly, this one does not have it. (Thus the bitter reference)

Moving along… Friday and Saturday night were spent quietly at home, stitching, reading and tailoring new slacks filling my evenings. Today I woke up, my hair dancing from static in the air and the taste of disintegrated cough drops lining my cheeks. A few shots of Blue Mountain brew later, I find myself listening to my 80’s playlist, reminiscent of the topic of conversation Tuesday night, sans the Martika reference. Tomorrow I have two promising job interviews before noon, then MY BELOVED Broncos are playing the inherently inefficient Chargers, so let the rivalry and shit talking commence, as there are people invited from both sides of the challenge. Let the best team win and the loser fall like “toy soldiers.”

Monday, October 12, 2009

Serenity in the midst of chaos.....

A beautiful day indeed. The weather was finally cool and crisp, the way fall should be. After sleeping in a bit (9am.... late but not too lackadaisical) trudged to the gym for what turned out to be a great workout. The weigh in was positive, lost a few pounds. After this I came home, still bursting with energy... My daughter and I grabbed the dog's leash and our sneakers and headed to Chollas Lake. We enjoyed time together, just hiking around, taking pictures (see above) and feeding the ducks in the lake. Such simple pleasures in life, but so overlooked.
A quick drop off of Amelio (we have now dubbed him the ghost chaser, today he incessantly barked at a blank wall and chased something that we could not see.) We did some fruit and veggie shopping at the farmer's market, came home and prepared dinner together. I did the fish and veggies, she made fresh cornbread. So here I sit, in my zen-full living room, relaxed as though I haven’t a care in the world. I think I will just enjoy it for what it is and worry about life tomorrow.
To top off this evening, we are going to cozy up on my bed and watch a classic film, Gone With the Wind (1939). Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh are inviting me to come hither. But.... "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Early Saturday morning I rise at 5am. My throat hurts so much it wakes me up from a deep sleep. I feverishly hunt in every nook and cranny for a cough drop to put out that fire.. nightstand, medicine cabinet, desk drawer, even an old purse... no luck. For lack of a better resolution I went to my vanity sink to fill my water cup and out of the corner of my eye I spot a lovely sight. 5.. count 'em....5 Ricola cough drops in my jewlery tray. The red and white wrappers seemingly smiling at me saying "Nicole sent us". As I think back, the last cold I had was last winter and my galpal Nic gave me some of these heavenly relievers. Wowzer. Although you have moved onward and upward to greener pastures, you still got my back girl. I love you dearly and my throat thanks you.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Catching Up

A whole 7 days has come and gone. It has been a ridiculously busy week. This is what happens when you are creating a recipe who's ingredients are a homecoming nomination, visitors from other area codes, maintaining active in job seeking, lots of booze.. oh-throw in car repairs and you have this week's special. Although my young man lost out on the crowning glory to the token football jock, he still had a fab time and has lots of great memories of the night. Once this was complete, the partyness began with the "homies" from LA. What a great weekend indeed. Reminded me of old times before kids, mortgages and spouses. Began Friday night and carried over until Sunday morning with the infamous drink, Hair-of-the-dog. No luck on a new job yet but several possibilities in the making so I try to maintain a positive 'tude. Been getting my sweat on at the gym and hope I will see a difference soon. Had to take a few days off after a 225 pound chunk of man decided I would make a great cushion to his drunken stumble. HAHAHA.
Ahhh memories, filled between the pages of my mind....
A few examples of common phrases heard after a great party:
"Where's my hat?"
"Why does my side hurt and where did this bruise come from?"
"Anyone seen my cloths?"
"Who took that picture, everyone who was there is in the shot!"
"I think I kissed someone..."
"I did WHAT???????"
"Blackmail material goes BOTH ways dude!"
"I only have one shoelace."
"Sorry I broke your metal stool."
"Where's the Advil?"
"I drank that, too?"
BONUS: "I have an APP for that!!!"

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Top 10 recession woes:

1 Dieting is easy because you cannot afford the luxury of Cherry Garcia or Chunky Monkey
2 Two-buck Chuck replaces your favorite fine wine.
3 Top Ramen becomes a dining staple.
4 You begin pricing non-used household items and host a garage sale.
5. Lotion/toothpaste tubes are cut once squeezing no longer works.
6. The nickel and dime treatment is all your gas tank gets.
7 You run out of mini trash can liners (i.e. Vons bags) because you have not shopped for groceries.
8 You have more free time to hit the gym; it's already paid for.
9 It is music to your ears to learn ripped jeans and faded t-shirts are actually in style.
10 You find yourself cavorting in clearance racks in the back of the grocery store for some undiscovered treasure.

BONUS: You find a use for that random can of tomato paste in the back of your cupboard.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Perilous Pandemonium

A fabulous Sunday with my best buddy. Even though we were washing cars, doing laundry and cooking, we enjoyed a day of female bonding together. Our Broncos won (YAY!!) and the Sunday dinner was delish. Today I was reminded how truly blessed I am. Seeing those four smiling faces around my dining room table enjoying a simple Sunday meal, swapping tales, goals and jokes.

Now the weekend comes to a wrap, I am feverishly detailing the week's schedule. The next five days promise a jam packed itinerary of appointments, job interviews, gym workout and an active social life. Hopefully this time next week I will be enjoying a glass of Muscatto on my balcony, watching the sunset, feet propped up. I have my Reebok's pumped up, let the chaos begin....

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Random thoughts for today

What does one do when they are presented several options, all of which they are interested in, but for different reasons? Does one sit down and write out an old fashioned list of pros and cons? Do they follow their heart? Do they try each option out one at a time and weed out the undesirables? Or perhaps cast all options aside and start with a fresh batch? When one attempts to sway with heated rhetoric while the other contains a history within itself, which holds more weight?

I have never been a person to make snap decisions about any issue of importance; in fact I am quite the opposite. I have lost countless hours of sleep over major choices in the thoroughfare of life. I find myself in the position to discard components of my life as a snake sheds his skin, but with this scenario comes an epidemic rebirth of past affiliations, those I am weary about allowing back into my inner psyche. Sometimes the right choice is not the easy one.

What does it mean when the "wrong" choice repeatedly emerges and casts doubt to its standing as the "wrong" choice? Does it ever become the right path? Is repeated evaluation a sign of something that is ultimately meant to be? These are the uncertainties that make my conscience scream at me.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wake Me Up When September Ends

It's been a week since my gainful employment has not been so gainful and in a word it sucks. I pray to the powers that be that with October there are more than falling leaves and the annual hunt for a last minute costume. I aim to be one of the currently unemployed 12.2 million in Californication to find legitimate wages, perferaby sumplace where I can make a difference in this tainted world. With this endeavor comes a formitable armada of resumes and an overflowing levy of calls. Until then I keep plugging away, looking for work as a needle in the proverbial haystack.

Current blessings are decent health, fabulously smart children, a roof, a full belly (perhaps 2 full) and a new love interest on the horizon, one who is a breath of fresh air-all substance sans the flash. I must admit I anticipate the day we snuggle up seeking warmth and not fighting for the best posible fan coverage on these sweaty autumn nites (it was 103 today uuugh). In any economy, chivalry costs nothing. I have a tight circle of dedicated friends and family, relationhips that have survived the test of time through misunderstandings, relocations, child rearing, marriage, divorce and differences of opinion. These are the people who tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear. So here are my shout-outs: Nicole and Niko, Eric, Goldie, Nicole S, Chuck, Steve and Zee.

Despite financial setbacks one must never overlook their true fortunes nor have to be reminded of them from the inside of a chinese cookie. The silver lining with fall comes scarves, boots and my favoite accesory-tites. Oh how I love my variety of those ditties. It would be pure fabulosity to don these favorites as I skip off to a job each morning.

And now, I close the laptop, brush the choppers, call for my faithful furry companion and get some shut eye. Soon this lone ranger will be riding with a new posee of coworkers and kicking up dust all over the new frontier.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Calm AFTER the storm

Friday was an armada of activity so when Saturday morning dawned I was rather lethargic and motivated only after 2 doses of espresso. Let me backtrack a bit....

Friday was my best friends' 39th birthday. We started at dinner and made a pit stop at my place to change before heading to the "casino". Little did she know I had a whole birthday party waiting for her at our local dive. The look of surprise was priceless. What memories..... Saturday was pretty much relaxing aka recovering. I was able to spend some time with the new guy I met SL, just chilling listening to music. It was a nice evening, time very well spent. A gentleman by far, some potential for being a keeper. But as the saying says... time will tell. And now it's Sunday. MY Broncos won and the Chargers LOST YAY!!!! Sorry Boltz fans. My evening consists of kid-mom time, a hot chamomile tea and another good night's sleep.... Tomorrow begins the job search once again.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Takes a licking and keeps on ticking."

Becomming the master of one's own fate can be challenging, distressing and cause an avalanche of uncertainty. Hoping an emotional investment will pay off, praying for patience. Crossing your fingers that you won't regret your final decision. If you do find that 20/20 hindsight, that there is wiggle room to fine tune the situation to becomming a positive choice in the long run. The price to pay can cause a heavy heart but a wise and circumspect individual will assess all factors.

I now find myself in the triage phase of life, trying to find my momentum again and get resestablished in the job market. Regretfully, I had to decline the promotion with my company and resign all together. A tough decision that affected my sleep for days on end. In the end, the other priorities in my life had to be put back in their top ranking slot. Although I am a bit knocked off course, I will persevere and rise above it.
For now, I shall salvage the weekend, as it is my best friend's birthday and she truly deserves a stress free, celebratory night. I remind myself that I am blessed to have so many irreplaceable people in my life and remove my name from the guestlist at this pity party. Monday morning, the job search begins full throttle and this too, shall pass.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Today was a tough day. My emotional traveling took me all over the map. By 4:30 I was screaming "Mayday!" and heading home with a heavy heart. This economy is surely taking its toll on yours truly and I would be my last dollar there are many more individuals in my same situation. Indeed it is a Hard Knock Life.

I find myself having second thoughts about the new promotion offered to me in the corporate office of my company. On one hand I need to be home, caring for my children. On the other hand, I have bill collectors kissing my bumper daily and a son about to start college in 11 months.

I have been counseled on this matter and offered financial assistance until I obtain new employment in San Diego, which to most would seem to be a prayer answered, problem solved. But for myself, I treasure independence and self sufficiency and the cost of this help is a huge helping of humble pie ala mode. It's gut check time, kids.

The nice thing about today was coming home, being able to provide groceries for my kids, gas in my car and a bottle of two-buck-chuck for moi. As I start sipping my happy juice, I take a step back from the emotion of the day and enjoy a long standing, but forgotten treasure: coloring with my daughter. Life is like a box of crayons-some days you get broken wax and other days you get perfect hues.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


As I was rushing out to start my week the cheerful voice belonging to one of my favorite people in the world was on my phone. Hopefully by this time next week my tushie will be up in Los Angleeeezie and we will be reunited back in the same office! You have always been the voice of reason and sanity in the workplace, I hope to reply in kind once I am up there. I have to say, I look forward to sharing a glass (ok, let's be real here.... a bottle) of wine with you and "the boy" in the very near future, I am crossing off days on the calendar with much anticipation! In the spirit of you, I made tacos tonight, even though.... "IT'S NEVER ABOUT THE TACOS!!!!" A Nickism for life......
p.s. the Labia situation has been resolved, all is well in the land of the family "Jewels" tehehe

Monday, September 7, 2009

Weekend Sumarized

What a weekend! Friday was serene at the homestead. Some cherished quality time with the little lovebug herself, my daughter. Saturday morning arrived with a fabulous ride around my favorite island with the same little lovebug. From there on out, the weekend was a blurr of activity. Saturday night was a party at the Chico Club for A's birthday. Sunday morning dawned and the preparations began for the Labor Day fiesta. Nacho dip made, chairs washed off, cooler filled. Although the entire crew was female, save one very sweet FWB, we had a glorious afternoon. There were tarot cards read, dominoes played and billiards galore. Oh... and one MUST love the lime jello shots. :) Female bonding at it's utmost! I am blessed to have such a wonderful, eclectic group of chics in my life! Thanks for coming ladies!

p.s. The only thing better than lime jello shots is leftover bbq chicken with all the fixin's

Friday, September 4, 2009

Maintaining Generational Integrity

A beautiful day, save for a brief visit with a dear friend needing consolation. Other than this, the day was spent tackling mundane errands, getting a manicure and spa pedicure while endulging in a mocha frapp. The evening began with a rather thrilling men's water polo match, the Varsity vs. Alumni, in which the Varsity got their asses delvered to them on a silver platter. All in good humored fun. After the team handshakes were exchanged, my son went to dinner with a friend and his parents, while my daughter and I shared chicken salads at Rubio's followed by some spur of the moment shoe shopping. It was my lucky day because I found the most comfy, cute white heels, perfect for the new promotion and the dress code it entails. And now.. home watching the musical Annie (my favorite of all time) with my daughter. Memories of my own childhood being pased down to my own daughter. What a lovely start to a holiday weekend.

And now...... The sun will come out, tomorrow........

Thursday, September 3, 2009


7:30 woke up late, 30 minutes to be exact

8:15 arrived to work. HOT and flustered annoyed to see the haunt of yesterday's face

12:00 car refused to start. Great. 100 degrees and no jumper cables.

4:30 top ranking guy on my list arrives to jump me, NO PUN INTENDED

5:00 on the road again like Willie Nelson

5:30 AutoZone unable to find my warrenty info in computer, again car will not start to get home

6:00 dinner made, kids fed, receipt found

6:30 3rd jump start of the day and I headed back to AutoZone

7:00 new battery installed, cute boy met

7:30 back home, Mocha Frapaccino in hand

8:00 cooled off from icey shower, Frap in hand, snuggly bed calling me.....

10:00 ATL Housewives comes on, should I still be awake.

So glad it is a FOUR day weekend!!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hace Muy Caliente

OK is anyone else just plain sick and tired of this freekin heat? Personally I am aggro beyond words at the most minute of things. Smart mouth people, idiot drivers and a pleathora of other oddities that seem to occur when the barometer rises. The little miss thing who tried to get out of pocket with me this morning was within inches of getting chin checked. I was having a "meet me at the monkey bars" moment. I seriously would have kicked her young ass back into reality.

By 4 pm I was home in an icy cold, spearmint eucalyptis aroma therapy bath, drinking a stiff strawberry martini, neat, followed by the most beautiful afternoon nap. Ahhhhhh..... and now, with a full belly (It was family dinner night, thank you Fuddruckers) I have taken a second splash with my rubber ducky to cool off again (yes, it is that hot) and am happily imbbing in another 'Tini, giggling at the stupidity of the contestants on "Wipeout." Tomorrow brings the last day on my current work schedule and I think I can make it through 8 hours to get to a much-deserved 4 day weekend. And what a jam packed weekend it is planned to be. (I am hanging my halo in the closet and bringing out my devil horns for a few days... details to follow... maybe......)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Confessions of a self proclaimed lazyass

The day started at 6am when the clocked rudely buzzed in my ear with the utmost of annoying shrills. Then I realized... I'M OFF TODAY!!!! Is it 100% deplorable how much enjoyment I got hitting the dismiss button and rolling back to a blissful sleep?
After waking an hour or so later I was home delivered a steemy fresh latte ala boyfriend #2. OK, so he's not a boyfriend, but at the current moment he is indeed #2 in the ranking of admirerers. Now I sound completely stuck up (I assure you I am not, it's just been a good summer for Cali, go figure.) Another positive vibration was the promise of said admirerer to look into the purchase of those sought after Louboutin heels mentioned last week. The pouty lip has not even made its appearance yet....
I had a million and one things on my agenda, of which a lonely two got done. That was only due to the fact that there was narry a clean towel to be found in the house and I had to wash my rear end at some point in the day. The other was done only because the call I had to make called ME, gotta love those persistant bill collectors. They sure mark their calendar on what week one receives their paycheck. That latte, although delish, did nothing for my typical motivational boost.
The rest of the day was pretty much a wash, no pun intended. I watched an hour of Cosby reruns, polished my piggies and read the newspaper, and I don't even feel guilty. Now, I go back to bed and prepare for another day in the Medical Record Slave Trade (Thanks Nic for the humorous text with this terminology).

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hotter Than Fish Grease

As the weekend comes to a close I find myself drowing in my own sweat. Today it is 103 degrees according to the thermometer at my local financial institution. Aye carumba! Despite the heat I dutifully did my 8 mile ride around the island. After a treat of a most delish MahiMahi fish taco, I am back home looking at my bedroom in gloom. My caboose has zero motivation to do anything that requires effort. The laundry screams at me, the sheets need to be changed, dinner prepared, Ipod updated, emails answered, groceries to buy, dry cleaing to retrieve....... never ending.
Suddenly I think my dog is on to something with this whole daytime nap thing.

Friday, August 28, 2009


After years of struggling to get in where I fit in, I seem to have finally landed a secure jay-oh-bee. Although it means a lot of travel (no where exotic unless you count Detroit or Portland to be a hotbed of tourist attractions) it also means getting finances back on track. So.... posts may take a turn in the next few weeks. But keep your girl Cali in your prayers for a safe and lengthy professional journey.