Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll

25 Random Things About Me...

1. For an odd reason I sometimes have brown roots!! Strange!!
2. I love to laugh - it's great therapy - and God knows I need LOTS of therapy!
3. I love the beauty of the beach, mountains and desert.
4. I am a Denver Bronco fan.
5. I have two teenage kids that actually get along - so rare but sooo awesome!
6. I have been a single mom for 17 years.
7. My biggest fear is dying alone. And going back to jail.
8. My favorite colors are pink, brown, green and blue.
9. I completed my AA in Human Services in May 2009, now back for my BA.
10. I love the rain - unless I have to drive in it.
11. I enjoy random conversations with strangers. You would be amazed what you can learn by opening your eyes ears and shutting your mouth.
12. I was born in San Diego and lived here my whole life, minus a 12 month stint in Virgina Beach.
13. I hate bridges, thieves, humidity, liars, creamed corn, war and fakes. No particular order.
14. I love the innocence and soft scent of a baby.
15. I have no serious regrets, without failures there would be no lesson learned.
16. I would give my last dollar to anyone of my close friends or family with no questions asked.
17. I believe everything happens for a reason.
18. I would love to travel the world - I love to travel anywhere!!
19. I love music - I can appreciate the art in it even if the final product is not to my particular taste.
20. I love to watch classic movies.
21. My biggest joys in life - DiAndre and Aliza.
22. My favorite food - Mexican, Italian, Vietnamese.
23. I love to sing - I'm not sure if anyone else likes it, but thats ok.
24. I Love to sew, stitch, write and ride my beach cruiser, amongst other things.
25. My favorite sayings are:

"For beautiful eyes, look for the goodness in others. For beautiful lips, only speak words of kindness. And for poise, always walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." ~Audrey Hepburn

"If you haven't cried, your eyes can't be beautiful. ~Sophia Loren

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust

OK so I wasn't exactly married or in a committed relationship, nevertheless, after a 180 pound burden was lifted off my shoulders today, I sure feel like a million smackers. An incongruous and insipid liason to say the least. I said it before, and I'll say it again... I require a relationship with equity and frankly, this one never had it from jump street. I accept my faults in this as learning experiences and file them away under the heading of "What, for the love of all that's holy, was I thinking?" If I wanted to cater I'd learn to cook and I damn sure can't gratify someone else's fragile ego. In a long line of life's priorities, a serious commitment, no matter how beautifully schematized, is just not in the cards (NOT that this ever came close to that category.)

So for the time being I will seek cuddles and warmth from my offspring, spiritual contentment from personal faith, intellectual stimulation while fulfilling my educational goals and companionship from friendships, tried and true. (And my dog)

On that note... WHERE MY BIATCHES AT????

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thank you, Ms. Hepburn

Well I got the pedicure/foot massage, watched forensic files, took the bubble bath, snuggled with the pupp and lots of studying done. Never quite got to my book, but I think it will have to stay on the back burner until I am done with this class. Que sera sera. Friday was a nice relaxing evening at home, snuggling with the daughter and watching an Audrey Hepburn marathon, our favorite classic movie actress. Saturday was filled with studying and homework followed by a lovely afternoon nap. Glory be to God. Today however, my bubble was busted thanks to the Broncos playing like crapola and the Bolts playing like it was the super bowl. I remain a class act though, and congratulated the SD fans on their win. Uuugh, I think I need a hug. Now, I write a letter to the broham, drink some pear tea and get ready for 60 minutes. Another week of chaos will soon ensue...

Friday, November 20, 2009




Thursday, November 19, 2009

Friday Eve

I think the image speaks for itself.... This is how I have felt every night this week, getting back into the regimen of work, school, kiddos, sleep, and finding time to "pay the water bill," let alone wash my hind quarter.... I wish one could learn through osmosis. ;-P

If only I looked as cute lying upon a pillow of text...

Monday, November 16, 2009

a Day of New Beginnings

Keeping it short tonight... Started working back on the old job today and it was interesting to say the least. Lots of changes, some good, some not-so-good, but overall I am just blessed and happy to be gainfully employed once again. Contextually speaking, I am back in the virtual classroom as well. The procedural calisthenics are out of the way and today being the first day in class, I already have boatloads of educational shenanigans (per se) on my calendar. I believe I have chosen my goals realistically though and look forward to continuing my "edumacation." The thrill of the educational hunt is ripe and in my scope... so readers, keep strength and courage in your prayers for yours truly, I need all I can get.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Roller Girl

What a weekend! I find myself saying TGIS, thank God it's SUNDAY! Friday evening was filled with wine, great company, fabulous conversation and a little slap and tickle. Saturday morning I awoke at said company's house a bit disoriented. A face splash of water combined with coffee-a-go-go and I was enroute home by 7 am. From there it was a whirlwind of brownie baking, crepe paper and balloons, housekeeping and preparing for an afternoon of 13 year old roller derby queens. Watching them made me miss donning on my old pink-wheeled skates with flourescent pink laces. I wonder what happened to those things, anyway? Indeed I see an adults-only venture to the rink in the near future....

This morning I woke up to a houseful of teen's cooking pancakes, waffles and sausage, sided with OJ. I grabbed a cup o' Joe and made a hasty escape upstairs to my private domain. Today will be strickly football, laundry and relaxation as tomorrow begins a new job and my first new class. On that note..... GO BRONCOS!!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

To All Oenophiles in the House....

Word of the day...

"Bacchus, n." A convenient diety invented by the ancients as an excuse for getting drunk.

And now for the quote of the day:

"Actually it only takes one drink to get me loaded. Trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or fourteenth." -Mr. George Burns

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Winds of Change

The past weekend was, for all intents and purposes, a party of one. Amazing how a road trip can change one's perspective on so many things. I have decided SL is a complete gausch and may very well be givin his walking papers in the very near future. But I digress..... a few shutterbug moments out in Palm Springs but nothing Earth shattering as I had hoped. For a desert full of beautiful scenery, I just couldn't get my mojo right and the photo's I got left much to be desired. As did the rest of the trip, actually.

There seems to be a foray of new things coming my way. Previously mentioned, I start my degree program next Monday. I am also happy beyond words to report I am once again gainfully employed. The indicative signs of better days ahead is well appreciated. I have a whole new perspective on things and anticipate a plethora of new adventures on the horizon of 2010.

The college bound son is submitting his applications to a University near you, which is not rocket science, but oh the details! Hard to believe in less than a year there will be one less offspring leaving dishes and socks around the house. The daughter reaches her teenage years tomorrow which will be celebrated with a whole new bedroom theme (unbeknownst to her thus far) and a family dinner, followed by a roller skating party on Saturday.

In the spirit of the diva's bedroom revamping, I also have begun a bedroom re-do, my artistic diection favoring a Breakfast at Tiffany's/Classic Hollywood theme... details to follow. So for now, I will sign off and open up the Singer and continue the creation process.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Buttons and Belly's

The week's almost over and many good things have come out of the hours. First and foremost, the decision to resume my education has been set in stone, all paperwork has been submitted and my expected start date is Nov 16th. I have been blessed to spend a lot of time with the offspring this week between school events, dinners at our seldom-used dining room table and even a few puzzles have been pieced together. Why is it that one single piece is always missing when you are done? The Jebediah of the jigsaw must have something against me finishing a puzzle and enjoying it with all 500 pieces locked in place. Moving along...

Today I spent a lovely afternoon con mi madre. I could not get my sewing machine to work but being the seamstress she is, mamasaan got it up and running in no time flat. Next stop was the fabric store where I bought over 20 yards of textile for projects put off for far too long. YAY for the old fashioned hobbies.

This evening I went to dinner with SL and enjoyed the most delish Japanese Teppanyaki at Shogun Kobe. The dinner would not be complete without a drink called a Samurai, served in the belly of a token Sumo wrestler. It now sits fondly on my mantle overlooking the livingrom domain. I think I may have overdone it because now all I can think about is SLEEP!


Monday, November 2, 2009

Lions, Hyennas, Meerkats and Warthogs..OH MY!!

Sunday dawned later than the norm, sleeping in and waking up next to a warm, snugglie teddy bear and enjoying a hot mug of Jamaican brew. It is pretty rare for this mama to endulge in an evening at home with a special someone with no pitter patter of children's feet running amok or playing Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew sleuth lurking in dark corners.

The evening was spent with the parental units, my offspring and myself. We broke bread at Fillipi's and were astounded by the Broadway performance of The Lion King. If you have never seen the live play version, I highly suggest this to be aded to your bucket list, calling it a performance to be reckoned with is a severe understatement.

Here it is Monday evening.. headaches, fever and sore throats seem to be ruling this hen house, so I shall call it an early night. I have a most delish cup of tea with clover honey, a furry dog and a Turner Classic movie starting. Who will win the battle for Sadie Thomspon's soul? Let me see what talents Miss Rita Hayworth brings to the 1952 screen gem production.

Fashion Police, part II

In the spirit of my last post, I will continue with a piece I wrote this past weekend while enjoying another Burbank visit. What a marvelous few days spent with the schmoooopsie. Girl talk, random IKEA treasures, hours lost in the bowels of a used book store and aimlessly wandering through The Village pondering the true meaning of life. (Incidently, I have not come up with the magic answer...) Add to this an outdoor Starbucks where I planted my arse with an LA Times and a post it pad for the following...

First in the line of sight, a mocha-skinned sista, scarf-covered headwrap, oversized shades and a yoga mat rolled up under her arm. She pulls her goggles down her nose and with bored eyes, inspects the ugg-booted vixen next to her. The look on her face blatantly testifies that the furry moccasins are soooo yesterday. She pushes her specs back up and walks off, her rear end in desperate need of spanx under her yoga pants.

Out exits a gal with flaming red hair, tattoos and a Starbucks cup, probably filled with an extra pretentious chai-something-or-other. At the crosswalk she decides her shoes aren’t worth the blisters so she promptly takes them off, tosses them in her shoulder bag and proceeds to cross Palm and stroll with abandon down San Fernando. Apparently this is her turf and the sidewalk rubbish knows better than to mess with her 10 piggies.

Catty-corner to me is a pavement prophet, standing in his pulpit in front of the Halloween store. He is preaching the good word to sinners leaving the store with bustling bags promising an evening filled with slutty pirates, serving wenches, Jon Gosselin impersonators or Tarzans in a loincloth. He speaks on the Lord’s resurrection and reminding us the literal term for redemption it “to buy back” in which souls cannot.

Next is a trendy motherista of two. The older child carries a supersized strawberries and crème frap (which incidently requires both hands to hold) and a backpack with a transformer stealthily rearing his evil head to innocent passers-by. Child number two is chilling out in a designer stroller and is completely invisible save for an orange and black striped baby bootie. Mom carries an Urban Outfitters bag with her goodies and, for the crumbsnatchers, a pink handled shopping bag from Justice, a trendy children’s boutique.

Suddenly, a 6 foot-something Adonis emerges looking like he has just stepped out of a calendar. It has been years since I have seen a specimen of this caliber and I wonder if I could put him on layaway for a time when I don't have a special guy in my heart.... If only my camera were ready. A blue convertible a few dents passed bruised carries the typical California girls. It screeches to a halt to appraise this dreamboat. As they pull away on the green light they giggle and sing the Gloria Naynor hit “I will survive” which I hope to be true because the driver appears to still be mastering the inner workings of the stick shift.

Even the elderly lady pushing a walker has on bedazzled support shoes and her walker is decked-out with red bows. She nods her head to me in friendly greeting and I reply in kind. Fancy that... the elderly person is the only one who extends a friendly nod. Apparently manners and signs of respect are old school characteristics not found in generaion "WHY??"

Burbank is indeed the grand poobah of cutting edge fashion folks, so bring you’re "A" game or risk the crushing blow of cutting eyes from the real movers and shakers of downtown suburbia. Have no real fear though, they may shoot an annoyed glance your diection but it will be done on the down low... they wouldn't want those gestures to be mistaken for a friendly adiou...