Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sanctuary Sunday

Pretty good last few days. Lots of quality time with family and friends. Quite a bit of imbibing this weekend celebrating birthdays, the completion of another class under my belt, reuniting with old friends and just being happy with life in general. Of course things can always be better… a job with a paycheck would be most appreciated. In the meantime, I am healthy, happy, loved, and blessed. Friday was spent building a 5’X5’ shoe rack… yes, I *heart* my shoe fetish enough to actually erect a home for my zappatos. I must give proper gratitude to my buddy LB for the assistance, laughs and her attempt at explaining the plethora of extra screws, pegs and metal scraps.

Once this was completed we decided our due diligence should be decorously rewarded. Our party of two turned into three upon pick up of our third fellow miscreant JB and we headed to Ocean Beach. After quaffing some adult beverages we headed to the usual last stop, the oh-so-delicious-Roberto’s. To top this off, I found some extra sweet revenge by telling the old company what I really think of them. (insert very minor illegal act here… heavy emphasis on MINOR). Saturday brought bedroom cleaning and even more imbibing for MB’s birthday. Billiards, red bull/Mandarin ‘Goose and shenanigans. Just one question… how come the two most attractive men in the whole saloon were on the down low? Push forward to today, which dawned with beautiful rain and coffee with my oldest friend JL of 19 years. This was only topped off by consignment hunting, used book store and Souplantation with my daughter.

As my evening comes to a close I am enjoying a bowl of popcorn, the Kardashian's and the sound of even more rainfall. Good night all!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Define Irony...

Today was a spontaneous day at the very least. Started with the plan of homework, relaxing and perhaps taking the doggie for a walk. After about an hour, class was cast aside like a sailor's common sense on a weekend liberty pass. Laptop was hastily closed, hair thrown into a pony and flip flop sandals donned my feet. The chariot stopped at the local teen hangout... the mall. It was filled with the proverbial pimple faced teenager enjoying a holiday from school. I would bet my bottom dollar not a single one knew what president was being remembered. I digress...

10 minutes later I was seated in a darkened theater, nachos on lap, Starbucks in the cup holder and cell phone on vibrate. (too bad not everyone got the memo on theater etiquette). Two hours later the curtain rolled back down and mini-me and I did a little clearance rack treasure hunt and spontaneously decided to make a run for the border in search of a much sought-after pair of gray Chuck Taylor's she has been jonesin' for. A quick stop at the domicile to pick of the other mini-me (not so "mini" and really not so "me") we were headed the 20 miles south to the San Ysidro Outlet Mall. We were victorious in our search and headed home not only with the prized Chuck's, but a few Hurley shirts for the boy. Amazing how 30 yards beyond the parking lot we could clearly see the border fence and Tijuana cowboys pondering what section of the fence would be easiest to get them access to the US ponderosa. And here comes the aforementioned irony....

Upon arrival home, my son realizes the Hurley shirt, which has "San Diego" printed on it has the well-known (to locals, anyway) image on the back of a Dad-Mom-Kid trio running across the freeway. This is the exact sign warning drivers on I-5 to be cautious of pedestrians crossing the freeway. Racist much? Here is the kick in the ass I found mind blowing.... the shirt has a tag on the inside... "Hecho In Mexico". (Made in Mexico)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mental Vacancy

Today dawned with an attack of the mind as I had never experienced before. I have heard on numerous occasions the topic of panic attacks and never quite understood what they were… until today’s crepuscular when I was rudely awakened by my own said attack of the psyche. An indescribable nightmare sandbagged my sleep, leaving my mental density numb and about as clear as the Tijuana River Valley after a torrential monsoon. My hands shook, forehead was clammy and stomach was in knots. My heart raced and literally felt as though it was jumping out of my chest. I could barely breathe. The sliding door was thrown open in attempt to get air where I stumbled on to the balcony and promptly tossed my cookies.

A long hot shower ensued, followed by a steaming cup of cammie tea and a random classic black and white filmed in 1942. Although my mind set slowly returned to normal, the feeling of sharks in my bathtub remained. Around 7 I finally dozed off on the sofa. The rest of the day proved to be a challenge in the mind over matter category. I am happy to relay that mind won the battle and I feel pretty normal again after an afternoon tea party complete with cucumber sandwiches.

This highly undesired event had the proverbial silver lining. I was reminded how I am surrounded by love and support. Those who have endured this malarkey offered sound advice and extended offers of a phone call regardless of the hour the clocked ticked. This was not lip service either my friends, rather a heartfelt concern for my emotional well being. Love surrounds me like a hand in glove and despite the troubling twilight I continue to pray for strength in mind, body and spirit.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Last of a Dying Breed... Renaissance Man

Every so often I am privileged to spend quality time with an incredible individual who is a man of ineffable proportions. His aura continually radiates positivity and seems to be contagious to yours truly. He has a fabulous sense of humor. Is diverse. Considerate. Handsome. Traveled. An innate gentleman. Worldly. Intuitive. Sexy. Honest. Beautifully schematized and internally tidy. Classy. Flirtatious. Polite. Romantic. Affectionate. A sensual lover. Ambitious. Educated. Adventurous and a bit of a daredevil. Balanced. Artistic.

His royalty is open in heart and mind. Talented. Playful. Charming. Faithful. Conscientious. Unobtrusive. No baggage, no drama, no hang-ups. Wise. A man of honor and a man of his word. Confident, yet humble. Compassionate. Tender. Forgiving. Secure with himself. Nonjudgmental. Courteous. Appreciative. Morally and ethically sound. Personable. Family oriented. A bit mischievous. Those who are not envious of his demeanor will try to emulate it. He is the paradox to typical etiquette (or lack thereof). He is all substance, sans the flash. All awe minus the shock. A true testament to a man raised well. In a city full of scum, free-loaders, players and all other undesired miscreants who treat women as fast food, he is a searing commodity. So I ask you, why he is still unattached?

The gravitational pull to him is amazing, almost frightening. Never would I intentionally be a bull in his china shop and there is an ominous inner voice warning me about showing to much affection for fear of pushing him away. I am happy to spend the quality time on occasion, the obligatory movie, coffee house or to simply stroll with abandon and appreciate nature. Somehow these simple things are so much more memorable when shared with a man of his caliber.

In a life of singlism he is genuinely the one person I feel in my soul to be worthy of my infinite affection. I have written many prose regarding relationships with equity and should a coupling ever be reborn and GPS’d back on the road map of my life, there is no doubt he is equitable. He is the sole person who has no hidden agenda and accepts me for who I am; flaws and all. At the same time, inspires me to better myself, to evolve into the epitome of a good woman, one not easily let go and never forgotten. I become reflective, mindful of self, almost pensive upon his departure. I select my words, actions and decisions with more consideration. I find myself unconscientiously smiling around him or even at the thought of his touch.

This chap ceaselessly leaves me anticipating our next meeting and has set free those hard-to-find mariposa in the bowels of my belly. I patiently await new experiences, new memories, and all the things to share in the future. Through this sunshine there is only one gray cloud… he is a bit intimidating. He is all things admired and sought for in a companion, yet somehow seemingly unattainable. In a world with the unwritten law of “if it seems too good to be true, it probably isn’t” I pray that this is the one exception. I trust the big guy upstairs has his listening ears on tonight.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sound bites from a weekend in Las Vegas...

"Cruisin" (arm motion required)
Can you please buckle my heels?
This is my daughter
Vegas Baby!
Take that you lousy pooper!
Like a hammer
Ghetto boombox
I only serve players
Rollin in the toaster
Water is for chumps
Panty Droppers
Liquid gold
Birdcages from a truck?
Enough alcohol will kill any allergy
Fe-Pussy spray... thanks Dan-the-man
Biker dudes are so hot, especially when you share an elevator
Melvin. Enough said
Thank you. NO, thank YOUUUU
Bitch. Enough said
So desperate to replenish you will drink out of a melted ice bucket
Salt lines on fries
Slot machines make great foot props
Random elevator trash... cup, crushed beer can and a single dirty black sock
Hot "Rich" bartenders
I soooo have to try on this pirate hat
I have to get a picture of that
Long Island Iced Tea's at 6 am
Holy swollen ankle
Canadians in room 1492
Tacos and pizza……yuuuum... but from the same greasy spoon?
Old cowboy with spurs at Circle K
Sushi eel rolls
Can I give you a massage?
Mardi Gras beads the size of volleyballs
$9.00 Cigarettes
Emotional outbursts enroute to the ice machine
Tall, dark and handsome with a deep voice
Random ahzners (IE soda spewing through the nose)
Old creepy man at the geisha bar
Dan-the-man knocking at the front door...the front door? Really?
"Let's go to Lee's..." what the heck is Lee's....a bar...a liquor store..??
Taco Bell Cashier drive thru "technician" calling customers honey
Longest known lines in the world for an ATM known to man
Random Russian dude wanting to jump LBizzle, had his own cables
"What you sippin on in that cup?"
Enduring the long journey to the hotel room in a maze of stairwells
Leaving your 3 foot long drink in a souvenir shop
Seriously contemplating purchasing a flag at the T.I. gift shop... ahem necklace
Fashion advice in the parking lot. Yea dude, you look fine for a club. But I still won't dance with you.
3-way spoonage
Card tricks (magic tricks)
Crabs in our balcony drinks
Tonight's gonna be a good good night (music from Carnival Court)
Suspicious stain
Umm I need a fridge in my room for my "insulin"
Best time ever at Victorville Jack-in-the-box.. Larry the crime donkey
Frantic suitcase packing; IE throwing in all your shit
The best job in town; cashier at 76 station AND mayor of whole town
Patty two kakes aka ptk
disclaimer: "CLEAN" bathrooms

BONUS: That's not classy, but abortions are