Saturday, December 14, 2013


Hello readers!!!

My humble apologies for such a long silent span. I appreciate the random emails asking if I am continuing writing and inquiring on my status.

I assure you, yours truly is doing just wonderful. I was blessed with a career opportunity in early June and have been on a hard grind ever since. Some things had to be put on a back burner for a while while I got my life back together. I have a few things I have been pondering and will post soon. For my new readers (Hello Ms. Tina) thank you for folowing all the way from Ireland!!! I can legitimately say my bog has reached the shores of another country!!!

So... stay tuned, WORLD!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Comfy and Cozy

Today it rained in sunny California, putting my mind to winter activities. Hot cocoa, cozying up by a fireplace, wearing snugglie pajamas and quiet nights at the homestead. Finally I can wear my boots and scarves, sweaters and coats!

So, as I warm my hands around a mug of chocolatey goodness, pull the blanket up to my chin, and curl up in front of a movie, I also enjoy the sound of rain on the window which undoubtedly will lull me to sleep before the ending credits roll across the screen. Good night, Tuesday, good night.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Cheerio Mate


After an excruciatingly long work day on a mere two hours of sleep, I am finally back in the comforts of my own lair, enjoying the simple pleasures in life (so often under appreciated).

A long bubble bath to soak away the aches and pains was my first step. Once the soft robe and fluffy towel was wrapped around my wet head, I made a bowl of Cheerios with banana slices and sat on my deck watching a beautiful sunset. To top off my serenity, the sounds of a xylophone playing Caribbean music filled my ears thanks to the high school band practicing yonder down the road. My pooch is at my feet safeguarding me from the evil blue jays and fellow canines walking their owners on an evening stroll.

The master plan is to toss in a black and white classic film and bury myself in a mound of pillows....

Goodnight, world.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Premonitions of Paris

In the spirit of the trend of Throwback Thursday (personally I preferred "Thirsty Thursday" because it came with drink specials, but I digress...) here is a photo from June 2006. The kids and I were on the road traveling from Virginia to California, relocating back home. I remember stopping at this little town and telling them ""Hey guys!!! We made it to Paris!!!" and they actually thought we were in the big Paris. =)  Ahhh, the naivety of childhood. Who would have ever guessed my little girl would actually end up there in seven more years!


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Le Nightcap D'jour

Today was a day filled with unexpected and hopeful surprises. One of which I am brimming over with excitement about, but until it is signed, sealed, and delivered I shall keep it hush-hush. *sigh*  I can hardly contain myself. If all goes well, this could be the turning point in my career that I have been praying for. It was another reminder that we must never lose faith that God has a master plan for us. Instead of fretting over things that didn't work out, know in your soul that there is a reason greater than you can imagine. You simply must have faith that eventually it will arrive.

It is with much relief that I wind down my evening with my standard comforts. I'm in my comfy bed, doggy at my feet quietly snoring (kicking his foot every so often at the birds he is chasing in his dreams) a stiff cocktail, aroma therapy lotion on the shoulders, Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen (pictured with one of my favorite fashionistas... SJP) and the candles lit... lights out! 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Grandma's Gatsby

Today I had the pleasure of a movie and lunch with my mother, daughter and step-father. The costuming was amazing and the reflection of the time period was spot-on. The only thing it left me wanting was to read the actual novel, as, sadly, I never have. After lunch we dined at good old Denny's sharing burgers and iced coffees (their new iced coffee beverages are delicious!) and conversation.
The last six months have been extremely stressful on my mother. After losing two brothers to illness within three weeks of one another; and handling not one, but both of their estate affairs, she has become very depressed. Adding insult to injury, she has developed very bad bones which leave her in excruciating pain; relying on a cane or walker to get around. She needs assistance getting in and out of chairs, cars, and even stairs. I know she feels as though she is a burden to us all although she would never admit it. This is my mother. The very woman who gave me life, nurtured me as a child, was patient during my rebellious years, and supportive of me raising two children as a single parent.
I surely hope she enjoyed our outing today despite the need of assistance. These are the times I cherish. It is the small little things we do as a family that I hold near and dear to my heart. Exchanging the latest news over meals, girl talk with coffee, and reminiscing of childhood stories are things I remember with the sincerest of affection. If I can tell my "mommy" anything, it would be that we love her with all our hearts and will always be here, good times and bad. And most importantly dear mother, you will never be a burden.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Addicted to Vintage

The next project has been a long time in anticipation, patiently waiting for either a donated changing table or a dirt cheap one to be posted online and find its way into my workshop. (A.K.A. garage.) It wasn't really the style or material I wanted to work with but there can always be a second one later. If nothing else, I had a practice run and now know what not to do.  This was made out of pressed wood so my paint didn't adhere very well. I had to be uber careful bringing it into my bedroom when completed because the smallest bump against a wall will tear the color right off. I don't know if my last project really blew my mind, dulling everything else in comparison or if this bar cart just was a let down. I have a few girlfriends who love it so maybe it will find a new home when I complete a new one. In the meantime, I finally have a pretty place to display the cherished vintage bar ware I recently inherited. =)
Plain Jayne before
(please excuse the mess of a garage)
Finished in Heirloom White
Bar Glasses and Serving Snifters c. 1950's
Glass and Brass perfume/cosmetic tray c. 1970's

A few of my favorite wines..
Especially the one from my Raymond "family" vineyard.
(no real relation, but excellent vino for you oenophiles)

'98 Throwback Thursday

This picture always conjures up a few tears for me. Summer of 1998, my daughter was 20 months and my son was 5. It was a very hot day  and we were at their grandmothers house. Ahhhh memories of childhood, running through the sprinklers to stay cool, Otter Pops and grilled ham and cheese. What touches my heart even more is the fact that they are still best friends at 16 and 21. I am one very blessed mother.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Something Old, Something Blue

Several months ago I adopted a desk that needed a new home. It took up residence in my garage until I had the time and creative juices flowing to take on a new project. The beauty of these projects is the peace of mind during the process and the feeling of accomplishment upon its completion. There is something very gratifying about using your hands and mind to renew a piece that is terminally abhorrent into a beautiful chattel. Perhaps I connect with this feeling because my life is undergoing the same process. Hopefully soon I will be financially back on track and feel more positive about my future. Here are the photos:

 The ugly duckling
Deep scratches and dings

paint... $0    roller... $0  tray... 99 cents  
after sanding and three coats of paint, blemishes no longer seen
stencil kits..... $6.99  foam paint brush.... $0

I decided to give a pop of blue to the front..
I am on the fence about painting drawer fronts matching blue
Taaa-Daaaaah the final product set up in my room!!!
All my special accessories and the matching wicker highboy next to it.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Feliz Dia de las Madres

I am blessed to have numerous amazing mothers in my life. Starting with my own of course! So many aunts, friends, cousins, a sister, and many loved ladies who have since passed on. You were here in spirit today with us during our celebrations! To my own mother, you have done so much for your "grands" and I! Through great times and tough periods, it was a reassurance to know that we would ALWAYS have you in our corner. And to my step-mother, we have not always seen eye to eye, but I am happy we are friends now. To the other mothers in my inner circle, you all amaze me with your patience, guidance, understanding and never-ending supply of hugs, kisses and encouraging words. I wish ALL of you fabulous females a Mother's Day as wonderful as you are!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Born to Mac

Cross one off my bucket list.... I'm finally fulfilling a lifelong dream of seeing my favorite all-time band live in concert... Fleetwood Mac. The history, music, harmonies, songwriting..... to me there is no one better.  So, in honor of my favorite song "Dreams" written by the phenomenal Stevie Nicks, today's post is the lyrics. This woman has always been ahead of her time. "Dreams" is just one example of her singing talent and creativity. 55 days and counting...

Now here you go again
You say you want your freedom
Well who am I to keep you down
It's only right that you should
Play the way you feel it
But listen carefully to the sound
Of your loneliness
Like a heartbeat, drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering
What you had, And what you lost
And what you had, And what you lost

Thunder only happens when it's raining
Players only love you when they're playing
They say, women, they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know
You'll know

Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions
I keep my visions to myself
It's only me who wants to wrap around your dreams and
Have you any dreams you'd like to sell
Dreams of Loneliness like a heartbeat, drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering
What you had, And what you lost
And what you had, oh what you lost

Thunder only happens when it's raining
Players only love you when they're playing
Women, they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Dainty Display

Last weekend I was in dire need of some solo retail therapy... and one of my favorite past times is scavenging the local flea market for deals and treasures. I found a plastic mirror frame (missing the glass) with the look of wicker, but with more sturdiness. I had an idea how to re-purpose it, and for one measly dollar, I could afford the gamble if it didn't turn out right. I am pleased to announce, it turned out cute!
scrubbed clean and given a fresh coat of ivory color
used a hot glue gun and leftover burlap to cover the inside section
added lace lining. The top row dried crooked, but gives it character, right?

reassembled both pieces securing with screws

the end result... a dainty earring display!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Repurposing and Remembering

I have several friends who talk about Pinterest incessantly. Thus far I had successfully fought the urge to investigate the website for fear of developing yet another form of electronic addiction. A few nights ago, after tossing and turning for hours, waiting for Mr. Sandman to make his appearance, I finally threw in the proverbial towel and checked it out. As I feared, a new addiction has come to rise. So many DIY project ideas, recipes, and household cleaning tips I had never heard of! I spent hours upon hours "pinning" things into folders and felt those creative juices start to flow once again.
In the spirit of finding some peace after a disheartening day, I found myself elbow deep with three projects. Mind you, these are nothing extremely time consuming or requiring a lot of creative talent, ... but I was pretty impressed with the final results. Especially since the total cost was less than $5.00 for all three. The first two are below.
A make-up jar is born:

I started with a scrap piece of burlap material and a sauce jar. After attaching the burlap on the glass I had to decide what ribbon I wanted to use... That was tough!!! Inevitably, I chose my favorite shade of blue. After tying the bow I attached it directly to the burlap. Final result.... a cute make-up brush canister. Short and simple. All from random scraps and a sauce jar from tonight's menu.

A jewelry holder is born:

I inherited a few tea cups and saucers from my grandmother in the mid-1970's. Over the years the cups were chipped or outright broken, but I wanted to preserve the remaining pieces in some sort of way for sentimental purposes.  The full set was purchased overseas during the war by my grandfather and sent home to his wife, then pregnant with the second of their seven children.  This grandfather passed before I was born and my grandmother passed when I was very young, so these are historical items to me. The candlestick was a gift to me at my own wedding in 2004. It seemed like the perfect thing to use as a post. I am pretty impressed with the end product. It is personal, feminine, and useful.., but most importantly, it salvages a small piece of my family tree into an item I will appreciate every day.

Friday, April 12, 2013


Hello friends! I am back by popular demand,
live and direct from my side of the screen!

First and foremost, I must give my sincerest thanks to those of you who sent encouraging emails and texts offering condolences through the months when multiple loved ones passed away. Your kind words provided me comfort in a time when I was in a very dark place. Moving forward I will put my faith in the mantra “Give it to God, He will work it out.” I’m glad to be back. And now......

The Future is Unwritten

Life in California is not all sunshine and palm trees. City life gives the impression of carefree, attractive people living each day as one big party. Yuppies and hipsters alike chat endlessly on cell phones, drinking their extra-foam-half-calf-splash-of-nutmeg-carmochanilla-chai-frappachino. Blond-extentioned women with breasts inflated past biology and flashy white dentition. Men with Mastiff sized bodies, overly moussed hair, and tribal body ink. This is the image portrayed through the lens of social effervescence. This is not the reality.

In actuality, these people are hypnotized by the sound of their own voice, yet lack verbal fortitude. They claim to be health mavens, yet devour greasy edibles like starving carnivores, completely devoid of any table manners. They overvalue their self worth and can justify it, while silently judging others for doing the same exact thing. They claim to be compassionate, yet can mindlessly walk past a homeless person sleeping in front of Prada or Neiman's . Their personalities fall about one hundred degrees south of sincere.

I am blessed to have my inner circle filled with amazing friends and family. Outside that ring of decency there are an abundance of characters who are morally bankrupt, prevaricating tramps, users and bottom feeders, self-proclaimed celebrities, all entrenched with personality disorders and social etiquettes that stench heavily of Eau De Arrogance. Douchebaggery at its finest, folks. This is the reality.

Friends and family ask me why I would ever want to leave this beautiful state to live in a hot, dry desert. I respond questioning why shouldn’t I? Chivalry is dead here. Even hard working people live a lifestyle of poverty because of the exorbitant cost of living. The last few years have been a gentle strangulation of finances and a growing number of people with an unrealistic sense of entitlement. Countless wasted hours of vehicular congestion, my car queued on the onramp every morning by 6 a.m. for the 45 minute drive it takes to get 10 miles down the road. There has to be a more uncomplicated, simpler way of life. Quite frankly, I have had enough.

So it is with cautious optimism that I begin the process of seeking transferable employment and downsizing belongings. The process of elimination is easy when you take an honest assessment at what you really need to survive. I aim for a minimalistic lifestyle minus excessive possessions. This relocation offers a beacon of hope for personal economic recovery, better body mileage, making new friends and exploring untraveled roads. There is an element of mystery at what living is like solo: without parents, husbands, roommates or children. This is a world I have never experienced. For better or for worse, I have paid my dues and am ready to take this step, embarking on a journey, launching the next phase of my life. It is full speed ahead, all pedal and no brakes. Look ma, no hands…..