Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Crowning the Queen

Welp.... Got the Orajel. Got the pain killer. Got the pain... in the form of a huge dental tab. I'm not sure what hurt more.... the drill on a open nerve or the bill at checkout. Either way, I am thanking my lucky stars my FICO score was decent enough to qualify my infected yapper for an emergency line of credit. Unfortunately, that entire amount was used up on tooth #1. Once I get through this hell, I have five more to be worked on and some gum issues to resolve. *sigh* By this time next week I will have a permanent crown and a laundry list of appointments to start the rest of the process.

Note to all those procrastinators: FIND a way to get your arse in the dental chair if it has been more than six months. You will regret it later, I assure you. Let the huge pieces of broken tooth above serve as evidentiary proof. And now... pain killers are kicking on. Time for the sandman to pay a visit. ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Is There a Doctor in the House??

Today I reached the point where I can no longer deny the fact that I need a dentist. Like.... STAT. Either that, or I need to invest in a gallon of Orajel and a Costco size bottle of Advil. 


Monday, September 24, 2012

Winding down a Monday

You find yourself bored on a Monday night and Jones'n for some kind of one hour project, preferably with supplies on hand. This is what I came up with... supplies: old shoebox with lid, old magazines, scissors and glue stick. As this was a trial run, I didn't expect much. However, the final result was simple and cute. I gave this to my daughter because she is infatuated with All Things Parisian. She decided to put her ever-growing collection of received college brochures and correspondence inside. Something tells me she will need a bigger box :-)

Old shoebox (bent up, no less)

random old travel magazines (sorry for the upside down photo)

used glue stick and scrapbook paper for outside edges

used glue stick and Paris themed cut outs for the lid

Sunday, September 23, 2012

NFL Sunday!!!!

To sum it up thus far... the 49's lost in a suprising upset, Dallas won in a ho-hum game, Buffalo turned out Cleveland, the Lions-Titans game was bipolar (but holy shiznit, Young Jr made an amazing catch to tie up that game) Kansas and New Orleans are in OT as is Miami and New York.

And now for the game du jour..... MY BRONCOS are about to take on the Texans. Gonna be an interesting game. Got my drinks on ice, chores done, and snacks ready. Happy Sunday to me. May the defense be with you.

September "Spring" Cleaning

Summer's officially come and gone--and left its mark on more than my sun-kissed Southern California skin... Indeed the time has come to buckle back down and get the casa in order. Although I would much rather putz around, working on new creations or enjoying the now-tourist-free San Diego beaches, alas, there is Autumn maintenance to get completed, preferably before Sunday arrives. Let's face it, that day is reserved for watching hot men in tight uniforms (tehehe.) In the spirit of organizing my own to-do list, I thought I would share my usual post-summer checklist. None of it is particularly amusing but important nonetheless. These things take place over the course of several weeks.

*Pull out the washer and dryer, sweeping and vacuuming debris, cobwebs.. these are all fire hazards. Ditto for the 'fridge.  (Also a good time to check washer hoses for crimps or leaks and the fridge coils for debris.)
*Clean out window seals with degreaser, rag and screwdriver. You might as well lubricate them while you're at it. Also a great time to check if all caulking is is good condition.
*Get your flooring in order. I am not talking a simple sweep and mop. I am referring to professional grade service. This includes hard wood floor. Get it commercially sanitized and sealed to protect the finish. Carpet is easy, I have a company I have used for 18 years. A small, family owned business that has great customer service and must be connected close with the Gods of carpeting because of the miracles they have performed on this 2 teenager, 1 dog-with-no-bladder-control house.
*Speaking of my furry guy, at summer's end I usually check in with the doggie doc to see if he is due for any vaccinations. Unless I make a concentrated effort to do this, I will surely forget and be bombed with 5+ overdue shots at the most inconvenient financial time.
*Give your mattress a flipperooonie, or rotate it head to toe if you have a non-flipper like myself. This is typically a great time to move the bed itself (since it is lighter) and get the dust bunnies vacuumed up underneath it. I have found lost shoes, books and DVDs under there.
*Summer was hot and windows were left open. Now those shutters are caked with muck (not to mention the window screens) and a good wipe down is probably necessary.
*Check the air ducts and install clean heater filters. I must admit, I've never had my home's ducts cleaned, as I do not use the heater more than 3 days a year (no exaggeration there, folks) and I do not have the luxury of central AC. But for those who use these conveniences, this is a good idea.
*Drain sediment from hot water heater. This is easier than it sounds, trust me. Anyone with half a brain cell can You-Tube a 5 minute video and learn how this is done. Disclaimer: If said hot water heater is not conveniently placed to easily drain, call an expert. I cannot stress this enough.
*Hose out those nasty smelling trash cans. I rinse with a high pressure nozzle and then VERY generously spray with disinfectant, typically an entire bottle of bleach does all three of my large cans.  Usually I do my small household cans at the same time. Rinse out and dry upside down.
*Inspect those pushed-to-the-back cans in the pantry for expiration dates. If still is safe zone, find a recipe and use them up. Don't toss away good money!
*Rummage through the overstuffed closet and purge yourself of all those items you do not wear. I usually bring my clothing and household items to the battered woman's shelter. No disrespect intended, but the Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc, have plenty of loyal benefactors. The smaller charities often suffer in the shadow of commercialism.
*Last but not least, make sure your car is good to go. Stay current on tune-ups, oil changes, etc. I must admit, I get lazy in the heat of July and put car stuff to the back burner. Now is the time to schedule maintenance. Kids are back in school, summer's over, and the holiday spending frenzy is on the horizon. Personally, I am 500+ miles overdue for an oil change. Pot meet kettle?

Photo Credit: Courtyard Marriott. I LOVE the notepads they have in their rooms. An "accomplished List" just has such a better ring to it than "To Do" don't you think?


Switching "Gears"

Today was a proud day in the life of this mama. My twenty year old son worked two jobs all summer to save up for a down payment on a new car. Like most of us, his first one was a real clunker. A money pit from day one (literally). The last few months he has done hours upon hours of research on makes, models, warranty's, consumer reports, etc. He asked folks he trusted (who work in banking) about financing in a way that will boost his credit and create a monthly payment that is attainable without diving for pennies in the local wishing well. The kids done his homework.

His plan was to purchase in mid-October, but his '98 Coupe de Shit decided to take its final dump late Thursday night. This was the last time he wanted to be stranded on the highway waiting for AAA to rescue him. So, today we all braved the 95+ heat and did some car shopping. We went into the day with a plan... he would appear to be the over zealous cub and I would play the role of hard-assed, over protective mother bear. It worked pretty damned amazing.

The first lot had the wheels he really has his eyes (and heart) set on. After ditching smarmy salesman #1 ("Let me ask my finance manager what we can do to get you into this ve-hickle today my brother") and working with someone with a bit more finesse, the boy had a wealth of information including quite a bit about how leasing works. When the youngins' stepped outside, I looked at the salesman and quite blatantly stated I wasn't letting my son be taken to the cleaners. "Bottom line, he wont pay more than $16,500, out the door. If you can't work with that, we will find someone else who will. " AHEM. Not to toot my own horn, if you pardon the pun, but yea... my cut-the-bullshit-charm got us an offer, in writing, for our price. I went outside to inform my cub and he shocked me by saying although he was overjoyed at my negotiating prowess, he wanted to keep looking and not make a hasty decision.

Lot #2 was Douche Bag Central. They had an extremely limited selection and no one could seem to give me a straight answer about their customer loyalty program for trade in, nor what their warranty actually covered. It was quite unsettling to see a very well hidden, PRE-OWNED 2013 (NOT a typo.. a brand new car) in the back of the lot with "Transmission Issue" written on the window. We bounced out of there quicker than the losing pit crew after a Nascar race. Lot #3 was much of the same. Larger selection, but nothing that really struck his fancy that was in his price range.

We headed home and worked out a ride sharing plan for the week to get us all to work and school using my wheels, thus eliminating the need to rush into a purchase. I was so proud of that kid for keeping a level head and not getting sucked into the excitement of new car smell. Stay tuned for the update on his decision.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Restoring Not-So-Vintage

This weekend's project was actually a carry over from last weekend. As some of you know, I recently became the recipient of several family heirlooms, some in mint condition, others that needed a bit of TLC. One of the items was a mirror and wall shelf set. Initially I thought the set was a legitimate antique, only later to find out it was a reproduction. Either way, I liked the detail of the piece and the overall appeal to the vintage look.
After disassembling the mirror from the frame I sanded some cracked areas and used an enamel primer. Then painted it with a high gloss black "Midnight Noir." Unfortunately, this weekend also happened to be a major heatwave in SoCal. I left the frame outside to dry and the heat literally warped the frames top end about 45 degrees. I was heartbroken, thinking I ruined a sentimental piece of family history. Luckily, a fellow DIY-er suggested a fix which worked fabulously. The final product now resides at the entry to my bedroom and gives me great joy each time I look at it.
PS... for those of you who love the look of vintage but have no time or desire to restore, there is a mirror very similar to this sold at Ikea for around $25. It is smaller and the frame is plastic, but the general idea gets across.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Customer Service=Out of Style

Recently I had the unfortunate mishap of receiving a shipment from a company that I had not placed. Apparently, when you purchase online, you are automatically enrolled in an auto-shipping program they have called "Friends and Benefits"... This is some bullshit, y'all.

Let me back track with some history here... the first time I ordered via telephone. Two weeks later  I received my products (which are truly amazing, I will admit) on time and with some extras tossed in the box. I was too cool for school. The following order I placed online. Not only did I NOT get my order (I assure you this neighborhood is quite safe and I have never EVER had a missing package from my doorstep) but when I phoned in to inquire, I was told a replacement could not be shipped for 30 days. Not because they were sold out, but due to their company policy. Not only that, but I had to choose a second delivery address and a signature was now required delivery. OK, so I understand about the signature part, and the alternate address was no big deal. I used my place of employment. I' the receptionist and sign for deliveries everyday. Piece of cake, right? NOT!!!

This second delivery was signed by someone with hieroglyphics and no name could be deciphered. Apparently, they delivered it to the building, sans the suite number. I was quite annoyed at this point. Eventually, a third shipment was sent, and received right into my hands. A few days later, #2 turned up from an office on the third floor. Dutifully, I returned it unopened. Now I wish I would have just kept it for all the hassle I have gone through. So... back to the auto enrollment scam... Three weeks ago I noticed the company had charged my credit card for almost $50. I immediately called and was told an auto shipment was enroute. SERIOUSLY??? Again, I was informed I would have to return the package and wait 10 days for the credit.

This package was returned Friday, August 24, brought directly to the post office and given to a friendly clerk named Max. I have no idea why I remember his name, but I digress... It has now been OVER the 10 "business days" and still no credit. I phone the company yet again and am NOW informed the credit takes 30 friggin days!!! Meanwhile, we are eating rice and hot dogs and I am driving on fumes of gas because this whole unorganized company cannot get their shit together.

The valuable lesson here... when you order online, cancel your account or erase your credit card information as SOON as you receive your products. Also, read all that pesky fine print or you may find yourself close to cursing out an innocent customer service rep named Carolyn who is doing her best to make you happy.

One last thought... this company's shipping policies can kiss my arse... however, their beauty products are nothing less than amazing. I will be purchasing them from the local Sephora outlet from here on out and paying a few extra bucks to avoid this Nightmare on Makeup Street.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Family Heirloom

Another newly completed project was an old wicker laundry basket I came into owning after the a passing of my Aunt Jayne. Truthfully... it was in relatively decent shape when first brought home, however, after two cross country moves, a puppy with a chewing fetish, and a lot of use, it lost its original charm. I did a lot of web investigation on proper repair of the original cane and learned about techniques of primer and painting. I also wanted to give this a vintage French charm, thus entailing breaking out the old sewing machine, buying burlap, lace, and finding a simple embellishment that kept the antique decor in tact.  

As you can see, the cane was broken and quite weathered

I used a burlap fabric purchased at Joanne's (my new favorite)
A small heart shaped, gold tone embellishment purchased at Michael's
And some antique-looking lace saved from a thrift store find months ago
First I had to repair the broken areas by securing them with a spray adhesive
Then it was colored with Krylon spray paint in "Heirloom White"
The final outcome! I love the simplicity and overall shabby chic moteif.

Simple Inspirations

One of this weekends projects was very simple, yet gratifying. This table was a freebie. The only materials required were a wire brush (my bbq brush worked great!) a square of sand paper for a few rough edges and a can of spraypaint. (Rustoleum, cornflower blue) 
The final result was a simple, but very girlie table. My old table was an impulse purchase. Note to self: it helps to actually measure the area you plan on using the piece instead of just "eyeballing" it. It was too large and took too much space. This new, shorter, smaller one, works perfect.
I am eager to give my balcony a face lift sometime in the next few weeks and turn it into a place of zen (although I may call for reinforcements on that undertaking.) It needs sanding, a fresh coat of paint, and some type of attached planter for a bit of greenery. Stay tuned.....
the table was very rusted and in need of TLC

I love the color contrast and the feminine appeal. After all, it is for a lady's patio!

For the Love of Lists

As of late I have become very forgetful which is a huge disservice to ones' self when you are brimming with creativity. I seem to be a magnet to new information. However, I feel like I am trying to pour a gallon of ideas into a shot glass. I have found my solution in the form of a mega-organizer. It contains run-of-the-mill tabs for addresses, calendars, and memos. Additionally, I have inserted a personal divider that catalogues my eclectic thoughts. Under this tab you will find over a dozen tabulations for matters of interest to yours truly.

These range fromthe proverbial "to do" list to special upcoming occasions. There is a manifest of "someday" travel destinations (my love of cobblestone streets, chic Bettina, and off-the-beaten-path adventure), community volunteering opportunities (I am a huge believer in giving back), upcoming release dates and movie titles, topics that have piqued my curiosity which I intend on exploring, and music to purchase online, to name a few. In fact, as I write this blog, I have television on in the background and a new list is forming in my head of several upcoming specials on KPBS that look quite interesting. One is a movie entitled "Call the Midwife" (Sept 30th); the other, "The Dust Bowl" (Nov 18), both of which are based on histrionic individuals who made a difference to Europe and Early America.

The largest section is for creative projects I want to undertake. Said blueprints range from my attempt at photojournalism, blog topics and a wide array of Do-It-Yourself visions. These lists have become so detailed I had to create an entire book exclusively for these art pour l'art (translation: art, for the sake of art), which includes a sketch pad and pencil/ruler pouch. I am no are-teeeest, but the doodles make sense in my head so I suppose it makes no difference. Do not get me started on the photos I have from my hours of web surfing "DIY" which are now nestled comfortably in a binder, protected by plastic sleeves.

If anyone ever stumbled on my organizer they would surely get a glimpse inside my head. So, readers, do any of you keep lists? If so, would you care to share your thoughts?

Monday, September 3, 2012

So Many Ideas, So Little Time

As some of my readers know, my latest hobby is refinishing furniture in funky and creative ways. It is such a thrill to me to find old pieces of furniture or random items and give them inordinary purpose. Although I have only completed one project thus far, I have several more on the horizon, including a hanging lamp, laundry basket, and two high-boy lingerie chests. None of the photos below are any of my own accomplishments, however, they are some very quite ideas that have inspired me...  And now, off to buy some new supplies!!

Hanging rubber boot planters

Using an old shutter for a kitchen organizer

Re-purposing a rake for hanging jewlery

 Dresser drawers as shadow boxes
Use antique teacups as drawer organizers

Down to Earth, Up With Style

A spontaneous night at my favorite staycation boutique hotel here in San Diego...

 Starting the morning poolside with an Ipod and an Iced Toffee Nut Latte
 Enjoying the low key vibe
(gotta LOVE the signage on booze and swimmin')
The daily signature cocktail... "Greenhouse Effect"
Muddled basil and cucumber, house infused jalapeno gin, fresh lime, soda (shown on right)
A delish dinner in their groovy lounge...
Diver scallops, corn risotto, asparagus, topped with capers and caramelized onions
And, finally, sleeping in your stylish, relaxing, awesome digs
Thanks, Pearl People, and especially my buddy Greg, owner and proprietor extraordinaire.