Saturday, December 12, 2009

Still Dancing

Wow, what a random week. I will assume the big guy upstairs had a master plan for me and that is why he kept me home all week from work. The rain has been scattered the last few days until yesterday afternoon when a flight out of my typical realm lead me to hit up the Casino all by my lonesome for a play date with my favorite Indians.

What an odd day it turned out to be. I must have stepped out of myself and donned another personality for all the mischief I got into. By 1 p.m. I was sitting in front of a penny slot machine called "Go Ape", mimosa in one hand, cigar in the other. The elderly gentleman next to me was checking me out and not even trying to disguise his wandering eyes. I have to admit I got a tickle out of this. My ripped jeans, wrap blouse and heels had this guy drooling. He sparked conversation and when I began a winning streak, put a $20 in my slot, no pun intended. That $20 turned into almost $80 and when I cashed out (I know when to stop people)he asked me to join him for lunch at the fabulous buffet there, which I politely accepted. Who would have thought the day that started with champagne by 1 would end up with a suga' daddy by 3? And please believe... I have his number safely tucked into my cell phone. 'Ol Arthur just may be a good guy to have in my corner in this economy.

The rain must have been brewing during my masquerade, as I stepped out gripping my winnings into a torrential downpour, with no bumbershoot. Oh well... at least I didn't scrape my knee or break a heel in my frantic walk to the back 40 where my chariot awaited. As I depart the casino dripping wet, I get a call from an old flame inviting me for an afternoon visit. Feeling frisky, I stopped by on my way home and well.. let's say, made him a happy man.

By 5 p.m. I had a steaming hot shower and was burrowed in flannel sheets and a down comforter in my own bed. The funny thing.. no one in my house was none the wiser. Ahh how I cherish my freaky tales, especially when I am the only person who has the whole script. I truly did Go Ape today

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