Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Catching Up

A whole 7 days has come and gone. It has been a ridiculously busy week. This is what happens when you are creating a recipe who's ingredients are a homecoming nomination, visitors from other area codes, maintaining active in job seeking, lots of booze.. oh-throw in car repairs and you have this week's special. Although my young man lost out on the crowning glory to the token football jock, he still had a fab time and has lots of great memories of the night. Once this was complete, the partyness began with the "homies" from LA. What a great weekend indeed. Reminded me of old times before kids, mortgages and spouses. Began Friday night and carried over until Sunday morning with the infamous drink, Hair-of-the-dog. No luck on a new job yet but several possibilities in the making so I try to maintain a positive 'tude. Been getting my sweat on at the gym and hope I will see a difference soon. Had to take a few days off after a 225 pound chunk of man decided I would make a great cushion to his drunken stumble. HAHAHA.
Ahhh memories, filled between the pages of my mind....
A few examples of common phrases heard after a great party:
"Where's my hat?"
"Why does my side hurt and where did this bruise come from?"
"Anyone seen my cloths?"
"Who took that picture, everyone who was there is in the shot!"
"I think I kissed someone..."
"I did WHAT???????"
"Blackmail material goes BOTH ways dude!"
"I only have one shoelace."
"Sorry I broke your metal stool."
"Where's the Advil?"
"I drank that, too?"
BONUS: "I have an APP for that!!!"

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