Tuesday, December 22, 2009

There is a 3rd turn on this street, it's called school! Yesterday was officially the last day for 2 blessed weeks. Now if I can just get through 8 hours of work tomorrow, I will be able to relax the rest of the holiday. No big plans other than visiting family and friends on a leisurely schedule. No hectic itinerary this year. By 7 pm tomorrow I will be sitting in front of another roaring fire, glass of red and some good company. Nice. Same serenity I had tonight, minus the red. All in good time..... SO to all of you, have a wonderful, blessed and safe holiday, and remember the reason for the season.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Local girl done good. Although I do not claim to know Mrs. Baskett aka Kendra, she is a local chic from Clairemont who keeps it real and is such a spunky little thing. I just love her to pieces and could not be happier for her and the hubbie on their newborn baby boy, a true blessing and bundle of joy. May they be all healthy, happy and loved. P.S. what a hottie she hooked. Hey, Kendra is no average "Girl next door" but lawd hab'mercy the Hankster is a fine specimen. Aye Dios Mio!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Still Dancing

Wow, what a random week. I will assume the big guy upstairs had a master plan for me and that is why he kept me home all week from work. The rain has been scattered the last few days until yesterday afternoon when a flight out of my typical realm lead me to hit up the Casino all by my lonesome for a play date with my favorite Indians.

What an odd day it turned out to be. I must have stepped out of myself and donned another personality for all the mischief I got into. By 1 p.m. I was sitting in front of a penny slot machine called "Go Ape", mimosa in one hand, cigar in the other. The elderly gentleman next to me was checking me out and not even trying to disguise his wandering eyes. I have to admit I got a tickle out of this. My ripped jeans, wrap blouse and heels had this guy drooling. He sparked conversation and when I began a winning streak, put a $20 in my slot, no pun intended. That $20 turned into almost $80 and when I cashed out (I know when to stop people)he asked me to join him for lunch at the fabulous buffet there, which I politely accepted. Who would have thought the day that started with champagne by 1 would end up with a suga' daddy by 3? And please believe... I have his number safely tucked into my cell phone. 'Ol Arthur just may be a good guy to have in my corner in this economy.

The rain must have been brewing during my masquerade, as I stepped out gripping my winnings into a torrential downpour, with no bumbershoot. Oh well... at least I didn't scrape my knee or break a heel in my frantic walk to the back 40 where my chariot awaited. As I depart the casino dripping wet, I get a call from an old flame inviting me for an afternoon visit. Feeling frisky, I stopped by on my way home and well.. let's say, made him a happy man.

By 5 p.m. I had a steaming hot shower and was burrowed in flannel sheets and a down comforter in my own bed. The funny thing.. no one in my house was none the wiser. Ahh how I cherish my freaky tales, especially when I am the only person who has the whole script. I truly did Go Ape today

Monday, December 7, 2009

Rain Dance

Some may disagree with me, but today is a beautiful day in San Diego. I have to admit, it started off rather irritating as I drove almost two hours in pouring rain to the other side of town, only to be turned away at the office I was scheduled at to work. I suppose I could have been really pissed off all day but...... trying to find my silver lining, I used the morning for a breakfast date with a friend, some holiday shopping and homework is next. This day also has allowed me to be a good mummy and get my daughter after school so she is spared the walk home and possible winter cold that may result. OK, so it is not quite winter yet but why split hairs? I found some photo's from the morning news to share. A day in Southern California with pouring rain results in idiots who drive reckless, people always trying to cross the San Diego River thinking their car will somehow make it, and the general flooding in Mission Beach. Get out the sandbags, San Diegan's, it's gonna be a wild ride.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Life, Laugh, Love

What a week indeed. Lots of ups and downs and several u-turns, but all things considered, I am still blessed individual. Now that school is in full swing and the wrinkles have been ironed out on the job front, things seem to be running smooth. The "live" part is full of paperwork, assignments and holiday shopping. "Laugh" consists of the oddities of people around me and the childish actions of adults who should be much more mature by this stage of life. I can only giggle at it and take pride in being above it. The "love" is the biggest and best part of my life and can be summed up in three words. Friends and Family. Without the presence of my children, parents and friends, I would not be the person I am. You all bring the best out of me and that is no easy task, I assure you.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Feeling very lonely today despite being around people. My closest friends are either distant or some distance away. No special someone to lay next to. I say often how I am happily single but I am human and sometimes I get weepy too. My clost friendship is so strained right now. Although no bad words have been said, we are both remaning distant. Without valid explanation. I miss telling her things and hearing her voice.

I miss a man of equity calling me every so often. Miss the little things such as blockbuster nights, coffee houses or that kind of closeness felt even when no words are spoken. I feel like I am alone in my own little world. But how does one feel alone even surrounded by people?

Tonight I cry silently so the others don't hear. Don't want to lay my burdens on anyone. I crave sleep to find me and to do it fast but it doesn't. The sandman passes me by waving to me. I am wide awake with my thoughts how easy it is to remember good times with past relationships and block out the bad. Remembering the inside jokes and little games we would play. Trying to block the arguing, tears and anger. The after effect of weeping for something that could have been beautiful.

But life moves on, numbness ensues and memories of feelings fade. Until a night like tonight.. silence surrounds me, save for an occaional rustle of trees. Darkness stealthily creeps in. Then I hear the soft sound of a snoring dog at my feet and a daughter sleeping, burrowed down next to me mumbling in her sleep. She misses time with her mama so she asks if she can at least sleep next to me. Ah the light beginning to reappear. Wrong again. It is simply daybreak. Another sleepless night.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Old School

When exactly did people become so reliant on electronic media to remain in contact? What happened to picking up a telephone (yes! once people actually HAD these in their homes, connected to a wall outlet and everything!)and phoning someone for a chat? When was the last time you came home from work and played your answering machine and hoped there was at least one personal message from a live voice calling to say hello? I think my answering machine is having an affair with the computer generated voice who calls everyday from the Union Tribune trying to sell me subscriptions.

I have to admit that I sometimes call someone hoping they are not home so I can simply leave a quick message with the pertinent information and hang up without a long discussion. Seriously, after a 9 hour day at work I am just not up to hearing about your ingrown toenail or what the neighbors-sister's-friends-cousin in law got arrested for. Come to think of it, these are things I would rather not hear about at all.

Voice mail and text messaging has become the ruler of the new milineum, folks. For parenting sake, text is a great tool for the kids to check in when mama bear is at work and cannot answer her phone. Or to send a loved one a quick "Hello, thinking of you." But relying on this medium for all contact? And please do not even get me started on the lack of mail correspondence with actual handwritten words on stationary.

I have revolted against the full throttle texting where entire conversations take place. SO much is lost in translation. A person's inflection cannot be heard and there are only so many emoticons you can add with a keyboard. From this day forward I have made a vow to use text as a simple tool and nothing more. When I wish to SPEAK to a friend or a member of my family, I will do the old fashioned thing... maybe even from my land line.