Monday, February 27, 2012

"Stayin' Alive"

After seven long years of emptiness and one year of old fashioned written correspondence my dear friend and I have finally been reuinuted. Other than a few creases of age time stamped around the occipitals and perhaps a couple extra pounds around the waistline, Daniel looked exactly the same as he did in 1993 when our lives first crossed paths.

Over the many years of friendship we lived housemates several times, sometimes surviving of a $3.00 box of pancake mix until payday. It would be impossible to count all the time spent shooting pool and playing music on the juke box at the local dive or re-watching our favorite movies. So many inside jokes and quoting movie lines at moments only the two of us would get the irony, and this was only the beginning of our friendship. By far my fondest memory is Daniel being the only person in my corner at a very stressful time of my life. I had just given birth to my 2nd child and was in the midst of divorce preceedings, basically living with no support. I was forced to return to work when my daughter was only three weeks old, and to make it worse, I worked graveyard shift.  I was overcome with guilt leaving my newborn and my 4 year old, but he was right there by my side, someone I trusted my childrens' lives with. He watched over them as though they were his own flesh and blood. He kept them safe and cared for and entertained them so I could sleep after working all night. He never asked for anything in return except my continued friendship. Daniel was an integral part of my children's lives.

So here we are, almost 20 years later and so much to catch up on. We are both facing obstacles in our own lives but somehow knowing my dear friend is back in my life, I feel a sense of peace.  We have been there for one another through so many hardships, I know that the challenges that face us now we can get through. Another example of God working in mysterious ways.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thanks, Ott.

Needing a little time to recharge my batteries, I checked into a hotel for 2 days recently. How lovely it was to watch the sun go down over the Pacific from my 12th floor balcony. I slept in enjoying a bed full of pillows and had a leisurely breakfast of toast, coffee and fruit while making new friends. Afternoon was comprised of a good book, fashion rags, hot tub, and a few cocktails poolside. Evening delivered a devastatingly handsome man over for dinner and a few more cocktails in the lobby lounge, which sparked up quite the flirtatious conversation. Oh my... how a sexy smile can bring the school girl giggle out.

Wash, rinse, repeat... day two brought on much of the same except that I managed to squeeze in a bit of retail therapy for my upcoming annual Vegas extravaganza. All in all, a much needed break from reality.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Breakfast At Tiffany's

At long last, I finally viewed Breakfast at Tiffany's on the big screen. What a treat for yours truly, who adores Ms Hepburn. Not only for her acting talent, but more so for her humanitarianism. A woman that epitomizes class, intellect, humor, strength, style, and selflessness. I wish I could have met her just once to tell her how much I admire her.   Now I'll go to bed, dreaming of a time when ladies enjoyed hats and gloves and men opened doors and held hands. Scratch one off my bucket list, this dream has been fulfilled.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pickin' Season

Thursday text from daughter:

A: MOM!! Guess what my GPA is?!?
ME: Ummm it must be great if you are so excited...
A: a 4.7!!!
ME: Makin your mama proud, kiddo

Looking back, in my high school years, I was a lousy student. My parents didn't care about grades or homework, as long as I graduated and moved out. Sounds cruel, but this was my reality. So I skated by doing the bare minimum. I ditched all the time (typically to go to work) I partied in Tijuana every chance I got (back then it was not as deadly as it is now) and hung out with my much-older college-age cousin (she was a "good Catholic girl" whom they trusted) which ultimately lead to me trying to be more grown up than I was ready to be. At 18 I was on my own. I attempted community college because it seemed like the next logical step. But in the 1st semester I got pregnant and that was the end of higher education for the next 20 years. At least I finally got that degree. In the meantime, seeing how both my children excel in their education, are both innately driven to do their best and still maintain active social lives and honorable hobbies... makes me wonder what I might have accomplished in life, had my own parents carried higher expectations. No regrets here because I am basically a happy person with life. I suppose my apples have fallen FAR from their tree, and rolled into a whole different orchard. It does my heart good to get these type of messages... makes me feel like somewhere along the line, I did something right. : )

Monday, February 6, 2012

Workin' Gal

Today was a beautiful day in San Diego. I woke up with a smile on my face and a dog at my feet. Two hours later I was sitting in a refresher course training session as a rehire at my old company.  I am hoping and praying that this opportunity turns into a long term commitment. They have expressed huge trust in my capabilities by assigning me to a dual position that promises to increase my experience.

So, in closing early and getting a good night's sleep.... I leave you with this fabulous quote I heard today... Live a life youre proud of and if you need to, have the strength to start all over again.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Behind Door # 2

In the spirit of dancing to the beat of my own drummer... I am opening a bottle of Moscatto and settling in for a Sex and the City Marathon in lieu of beer and football... Somehow I feel like I found my own Superbowl. And Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha are playing at my half time show.

Think Pink!

What a great few days it has been for yours truly. I received a smidgen of Intel on a job lead and within 3 days I had signed on the dotted line, Monday I attend a training refresher course and begin work thereafter. Welcome back to the wonderful world of medical records!

With financial stability, my mind was at ease and I spent time with my "twin cousin" today (A long, but rather cute story, stemming from childhood.) We shared lunch and sangria of fish bowl proportion and later met downtown to watch a classic movie on the big screen. I adore Ms. Hepburn but had yet to see Funny Face. Although a movie with "pizazz," I still hold Breakfast at Tiffany's in my #1 spot. A fun filled evening, nonetheless. A brisk walk through a gorgeous February evening and time with said cousin and my favorite daughter. All in all, a blessed day.