Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Rose has Lost its Bloom.

What's a girl to do when her latest crush is like a roller coaster of emotions? The most recent specimen who caught my eye did so on a purely physical level in the beginning when I was craving fresh, erotic imagery. The chemistry, I thought, was amazing and mutually felt. As this man was also a coworker, and neither of us particularly enjoy nosey people in our personal business, we both decided to keep things on the down low. We shared stolen glances, inside jokes, and undercover flirtation for months. Finally, we found ourselves riding solo in the elevator and shared our first kiss.

Fast forward a few weeks... we have spent a few blocks of time togteher away from work getting to know one another. It morphed from this being purely sexual attraction to the desire to dig deeper and see who he really is, to the point I am at now, which is plain old confused. "B" has made several comments that do not sit well with me regarding race and how it holds some people back and progresses others to move forward. Although I am not a racial person by nature, I have struggled and overcome my own issues with stereotyping being a plus sized woman. I despise it when individuals use their ethnic geneology as an excuse as to why they are not in a better place. I feel we all have obstacles to overcome. For some it is prejudice against skin color, others against age, weight, or even gender.

Back the the issue on the table... Does a girl follow her intial instinct and hope it does not conclude as another relationship ending with a pile of unfulfilled promises? Does she adhere to these early warning signs and cut her losses? Does she truncate it to simply a casual physical encounter? Or does she start smelling different gardens because this rose has started to wilt?