Friday, May 15, 2009

Underachiever's Manifesto

Celebrate good times, COME ON! (come on, you know the song, sing along with me) Today is finally Friday YAY!!! Even better, payday Friday, or as I refer to it, payment transfer day. The workday seemed like it would never end but as it always does.... clock out time eventually came and I gleefully skipped out of the building.

This has been a long, soap opera style week. I must admit today there was finally a more eased atmosphere in the office. There was at a variety of conversation topic instead of the gossip reitterated. So much so, in fact, that towards the end of the day we were back to normal; exchanging weekend plans and joking amongst one another. Somehow I, being the oldest one in the office, was dubbed Grapple the Sabretooth. LOL.

Don't ask ya'll... It was an on-location type of joke, if you were not there, you wouldn't find it funny. But basically, the Grapple part is a take off my given name and the Sabretooth was a nicer way of calling me a cougar. (Since I am not yet 40, I told the girls I didn't qualify as a cougar yet.) Tonight we may all meet up at my local dive bar for a toast to moving on and putting all the week's drama behind us and burying all the bad medicine. Moving along, after a quick stop off to purchase a handbag I had my eye on for a few weeks, I headed to pick up the daughter from school.

Question: What do you get when you combine one new pair of shoes, a new dress, silver accessories and getting your hair done? One extremely giddy pre-teen with a nervous smile. Her and her circle of friends are eagerly anticipating the end-of-the-year dance. Ah to be young again. I shall now sign off for the evening, with a chaparrone hat in my near future. Happy Friday Ya'll!!

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