Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Caught In That Limbo Thing

mood: unsettled

Pardon my lack of updates but it has been a rollercoaster of a week and today is only Wednesday. How do I stress thee... let me count the ways.

Monday morning bloomed with the promise of a movie date with MF later that evening, little did I know this would be the highlight of a treacherous week. Home life is comfortably numb now that I have the luxury of a "normal" life after the workday. The son is in the middle of swim meet championships and the daughter is looking forward to her first school dance, and yours truly is enjoying the freedom of an open post-work schedule; free of homework, tests or study sessions.

The work life on the other hand, resembles a paramedic collecting limbs from the scene of a horrific accident. It's hard to tell who is friend or foe or who is going to get the last laugh. So much drama leaves an unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach and a gasp of relief when seeing the office building disappear into your rearview mirror at the close of the day. I remember the days when I looked forward to work, even on a Monday morning, because I have such a close bond with all the fellow coworkers. Although that bond still remains there is an ugly stench in our once-happy office.

Plan of action: punch in, handle my business, punch out. Period. End of story. After work, job search. I shall be humbly grateful to have a job and paycheck, but caught in the limbo of hoping for a greater opportunity. I will not be waiting for the proverbial ax to fall.

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