Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Incidents of Ineffable Proportions

Frightening vision above:
#2 The Deliciousness of OB Noodle House
Random sights of the week:

In the last few days I have been in the utmost of places and seen some visual pictures that I quite honestly find hard to put into words. This began last week, when exiting the gym I was almost run over by a fully clothed clown in a wheelchair, big red nose, oversized shoes, rainbow afro and all.
A few days later I am heading towads my Sunday ritual bike ride and see a young brotha' on a unicycle peddling down the street. As if this were not already random-esque, the unicycle had a pink bling bling rim on the solo wheel. Who knew the latest trend would be 22's on a one wheeled cycle? Still amused by this sighting, I am riding my cruiser an hour later and see about a dozen horses swimming in San Diego Bay. Now, I have seen dogs aplenty taking a dip, and a mass array of water sports at Fiesta Island, but never have I seen a pack of swimming horses. If only I had the wherewithall to have brought my cell phone, I could have snapped a photo to prove this to the nonbelievers.
After all this, I suppose it was my turn to give passers-by a funny show. While loading my wheels back in the vehicular, I climbed in the drivers seat, cranked on the engine and shut the door. Little did I know my Uncle JuneBug had flown his blind self into the car and was closed in there with me. I freaked out, threw the door open and jumped out in a gross panic. ALl limbs were flailing and screetches were reportedly heard as far as the Grand Canyon. All the while fellow bikers looking at me as though I were koo-koo for cocoa-puffs. Needless to say, after this day of excitement, I was ready to sit down and enjoy some fabulous garlic chicken wings (pic #2) with my favorite fashionista. God Bless the OB Noodle House and my cool homechic for making the introduction! (much love Pina)

BONUS: Randomocity for today. More of a frightening sight than anything else.... How abnormal is it to have a nondescript red hazardous waste bag and a frozen hand (gloved) in the freezer of medical office??? (see top photo above)

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