Thursday, June 18, 2009

Surviving the Urban Jungle

The week has been chok full of ups and downs, family concerns, and financial strains. But being Sheena, Queen of the urban jungle, I sliced though the vines of drama and have made it to Thursday. One day to go and then a decent reprieve.

I am at a carrefour right now. I am looking for a better career opportunity, coming to terms with remaining single, and repudiating the excess weight hanging onto me like I am the Duchess of Donuts. My goal is to chisel away at least 10 pounds before August 1. Totally feasible if I stick to the plan. It's extremely frustrating to go through the rhetoric of diet, exercise, vitamins and self-cheerleading only to lose five pounds and then plateau. Perhaps putting all my business out in the open I will have a greater sense of responsibility and not want to admit defeat yet again. (Not that I have any followers lol)

As for a career change, well, 'tis the season of recession and I will just be happy that I still have any job at all. That being said, any opportunity that comes my way will not be overlooked. On the subject of the opposite sex... well.... perhaps I should not open that Pandora's Box. Basically I am just sick and tired of being let down time after time. I hold a miniscule piece of hope that there is a gentleman out there who knows how to treat a lady and can handle Miss Cali, flaws and all.

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