Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Mood: somewhere between frustrated and blah

Today I feel lost in a very strange place, a state of cognitive dissonance. I must be overdrawn in my verbal bank account (causing such a blah mood) or maybe I'm just “over” the bullshit (for lack of better verbiage) in my “professional” world. Please note the quotation there, I am being extremely facetious.

The so-called boys of business are constantly sculpting and tearing apart company policy and procedure. Evidently the motto “If it aint broke, don’t fix it” does not apply to APS. In a perfect universe, employment prospects would be flourishing and I could exit, stage left. I feel like I am standing on the edge, poised to jump. It’s a paradox between gratitude for having a job and a slow fade to futility. My nerves are being gently strangled and I don’t know how long they will last before they snap and I’m committed to the loony bin. This being said, the United Nations isn’t exactly requesting my resume, so I better stick to being obliged to have a job.

Today we had one of our senselessness meetings, another felonious waste of time. Adding to the roster of unnecessary evils, the men of self-professed management have decided to penalize us peons for the most miniscule of infractions. Micromanagement at work, folks. The unsettling in the pit of my tummy did not go away, as this meeting of the mindless conjured up a comment which I shared with the room. Apparently my boss (albeit the nicer of the two) didn’t take kindly to my opinion and lectured me in private afterwards. What a spectacular day to have a yearly evaluation.

I didn’t expect much to come out of this assessment, but it went essentially well. I smiled politely, said as few vague comments and was blessed with a little boost to my kibbles and bits of compensation. The poetic justice to this evaluation was that it took so long; I actually got some overtime pay out of it. Go figure.

Well, time to go celebrate another birthday for the parental units. I will follow up Thursday for updated status. (A shout out there to my SAPS peeps)

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