Sunday, September 23, 2012

September "Spring" Cleaning

Summer's officially come and gone--and left its mark on more than my sun-kissed Southern California skin... Indeed the time has come to buckle back down and get the casa in order. Although I would much rather putz around, working on new creations or enjoying the now-tourist-free San Diego beaches, alas, there is Autumn maintenance to get completed, preferably before Sunday arrives. Let's face it, that day is reserved for watching hot men in tight uniforms (tehehe.) In the spirit of organizing my own to-do list, I thought I would share my usual post-summer checklist. None of it is particularly amusing but important nonetheless. These things take place over the course of several weeks.

*Pull out the washer and dryer, sweeping and vacuuming debris, cobwebs.. these are all fire hazards. Ditto for the 'fridge.  (Also a good time to check washer hoses for crimps or leaks and the fridge coils for debris.)
*Clean out window seals with degreaser, rag and screwdriver. You might as well lubricate them while you're at it. Also a great time to check if all caulking is is good condition.
*Get your flooring in order. I am not talking a simple sweep and mop. I am referring to professional grade service. This includes hard wood floor. Get it commercially sanitized and sealed to protect the finish. Carpet is easy, I have a company I have used for 18 years. A small, family owned business that has great customer service and must be connected close with the Gods of carpeting because of the miracles they have performed on this 2 teenager, 1 dog-with-no-bladder-control house.
*Speaking of my furry guy, at summer's end I usually check in with the doggie doc to see if he is due for any vaccinations. Unless I make a concentrated effort to do this, I will surely forget and be bombed with 5+ overdue shots at the most inconvenient financial time.
*Give your mattress a flipperooonie, or rotate it head to toe if you have a non-flipper like myself. This is typically a great time to move the bed itself (since it is lighter) and get the dust bunnies vacuumed up underneath it. I have found lost shoes, books and DVDs under there.
*Summer was hot and windows were left open. Now those shutters are caked with muck (not to mention the window screens) and a good wipe down is probably necessary.
*Check the air ducts and install clean heater filters. I must admit, I've never had my home's ducts cleaned, as I do not use the heater more than 3 days a year (no exaggeration there, folks) and I do not have the luxury of central AC. But for those who use these conveniences, this is a good idea.
*Drain sediment from hot water heater. This is easier than it sounds, trust me. Anyone with half a brain cell can You-Tube a 5 minute video and learn how this is done. Disclaimer: If said hot water heater is not conveniently placed to easily drain, call an expert. I cannot stress this enough.
*Hose out those nasty smelling trash cans. I rinse with a high pressure nozzle and then VERY generously spray with disinfectant, typically an entire bottle of bleach does all three of my large cans.  Usually I do my small household cans at the same time. Rinse out and dry upside down.
*Inspect those pushed-to-the-back cans in the pantry for expiration dates. If still is safe zone, find a recipe and use them up. Don't toss away good money!
*Rummage through the overstuffed closet and purge yourself of all those items you do not wear. I usually bring my clothing and household items to the battered woman's shelter. No disrespect intended, but the Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc, have plenty of loyal benefactors. The smaller charities often suffer in the shadow of commercialism.
*Last but not least, make sure your car is good to go. Stay current on tune-ups, oil changes, etc. I must admit, I get lazy in the heat of July and put car stuff to the back burner. Now is the time to schedule maintenance. Kids are back in school, summer's over, and the holiday spending frenzy is on the horizon. Personally, I am 500+ miles overdue for an oil change. Pot meet kettle?

Photo Credit: Courtyard Marriott. I LOVE the notepads they have in their rooms. An "accomplished List" just has such a better ring to it than "To Do" don't you think?


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