Monday, September 10, 2012

Customer Service=Out of Style

Recently I had the unfortunate mishap of receiving a shipment from a company that I had not placed. Apparently, when you purchase online, you are automatically enrolled in an auto-shipping program they have called "Friends and Benefits"... This is some bullshit, y'all.

Let me back track with some history here... the first time I ordered via telephone. Two weeks later  I received my products (which are truly amazing, I will admit) on time and with some extras tossed in the box. I was too cool for school. The following order I placed online. Not only did I NOT get my order (I assure you this neighborhood is quite safe and I have never EVER had a missing package from my doorstep) but when I phoned in to inquire, I was told a replacement could not be shipped for 30 days. Not because they were sold out, but due to their company policy. Not only that, but I had to choose a second delivery address and a signature was now required delivery. OK, so I understand about the signature part, and the alternate address was no big deal. I used my place of employment. I' the receptionist and sign for deliveries everyday. Piece of cake, right? NOT!!!

This second delivery was signed by someone with hieroglyphics and no name could be deciphered. Apparently, they delivered it to the building, sans the suite number. I was quite annoyed at this point. Eventually, a third shipment was sent, and received right into my hands. A few days later, #2 turned up from an office on the third floor. Dutifully, I returned it unopened. Now I wish I would have just kept it for all the hassle I have gone through. So... back to the auto enrollment scam... Three weeks ago I noticed the company had charged my credit card for almost $50. I immediately called and was told an auto shipment was enroute. SERIOUSLY??? Again, I was informed I would have to return the package and wait 10 days for the credit.

This package was returned Friday, August 24, brought directly to the post office and given to a friendly clerk named Max. I have no idea why I remember his name, but I digress... It has now been OVER the 10 "business days" and still no credit. I phone the company yet again and am NOW informed the credit takes 30 friggin days!!! Meanwhile, we are eating rice and hot dogs and I am driving on fumes of gas because this whole unorganized company cannot get their shit together.

The valuable lesson here... when you order online, cancel your account or erase your credit card information as SOON as you receive your products. Also, read all that pesky fine print or you may find yourself close to cursing out an innocent customer service rep named Carolyn who is doing her best to make you happy.

One last thought... this company's shipping policies can kiss my arse... however, their beauty products are nothing less than amazing. I will be purchasing them from the local Sephora outlet from here on out and paying a few extra bucks to avoid this Nightmare on Makeup Street.

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