Friday, April 12, 2013


Hello friends! I am back by popular demand,
live and direct from my side of the screen!

First and foremost, I must give my sincerest thanks to those of you who sent encouraging emails and texts offering condolences through the months when multiple loved ones passed away. Your kind words provided me comfort in a time when I was in a very dark place. Moving forward I will put my faith in the mantra “Give it to God, He will work it out.” I’m glad to be back. And now......

The Future is Unwritten

Life in California is not all sunshine and palm trees. City life gives the impression of carefree, attractive people living each day as one big party. Yuppies and hipsters alike chat endlessly on cell phones, drinking their extra-foam-half-calf-splash-of-nutmeg-carmochanilla-chai-frappachino. Blond-extentioned women with breasts inflated past biology and flashy white dentition. Men with Mastiff sized bodies, overly moussed hair, and tribal body ink. This is the image portrayed through the lens of social effervescence. This is not the reality.

In actuality, these people are hypnotized by the sound of their own voice, yet lack verbal fortitude. They claim to be health mavens, yet devour greasy edibles like starving carnivores, completely devoid of any table manners. They overvalue their self worth and can justify it, while silently judging others for doing the same exact thing. They claim to be compassionate, yet can mindlessly walk past a homeless person sleeping in front of Prada or Neiman's . Their personalities fall about one hundred degrees south of sincere.

I am blessed to have my inner circle filled with amazing friends and family. Outside that ring of decency there are an abundance of characters who are morally bankrupt, prevaricating tramps, users and bottom feeders, self-proclaimed celebrities, all entrenched with personality disorders and social etiquettes that stench heavily of Eau De Arrogance. Douchebaggery at its finest, folks. This is the reality.

Friends and family ask me why I would ever want to leave this beautiful state to live in a hot, dry desert. I respond questioning why shouldn’t I? Chivalry is dead here. Even hard working people live a lifestyle of poverty because of the exorbitant cost of living. The last few years have been a gentle strangulation of finances and a growing number of people with an unrealistic sense of entitlement. Countless wasted hours of vehicular congestion, my car queued on the onramp every morning by 6 a.m. for the 45 minute drive it takes to get 10 miles down the road. There has to be a more uncomplicated, simpler way of life. Quite frankly, I have had enough.

So it is with cautious optimism that I begin the process of seeking transferable employment and downsizing belongings. The process of elimination is easy when you take an honest assessment at what you really need to survive. I aim for a minimalistic lifestyle minus excessive possessions. This relocation offers a beacon of hope for personal economic recovery, better body mileage, making new friends and exploring untraveled roads. There is an element of mystery at what living is like solo: without parents, husbands, roommates or children. This is a world I have never experienced. For better or for worse, I have paid my dues and am ready to take this step, embarking on a journey, launching the next phase of my life. It is full speed ahead, all pedal and no brakes. Look ma, no hands…..

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