Saturday, January 7, 2012

From Gaga, with love...

Well, the work party turned out to be surprisingly amusing. Obligatory cheek air kisses, hugs brought on by consumed hooch and the ever-present counterfeit smiles from people who otherwise ignore you during the daily grind. Co-workers realize you actually have a figure, there are no uniforms in sight, but a lot of legs, cleavage and rumpshakers exposed. The night ended late and I trudged upstairs to my hotel room slightly inebriated and with sore stiletto feet.

This morning I awoke to fresh coffee and an Advil. Evil hangovers are the worst. Lounged around a bit and finally headed out for lunch at one of my favorite eateries. Returning home I continued to my lounging status and was thrilled to have finally received my new bed linens from the UPS truck... ahhh nothing like the feel of Egyptian cotton under a down comforter. So far, a perfect day.. one I did not think could get any better, but was pleasantly surprised when it did just that.

Tonight I stayed home and watched a movie with my progeny; then played a few hours of Dance Central... they were both shocked and amazed that this old gal has a few moves and can cut a rug. I seem to have a natural talent for dancing to Poker Face by Lady Gaga. Over pizza, video games, and hamming it up, we had a wonderful night of bonding. It is evenings like this that fill my heart with love and joy. Blessings abound.

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