Sunday, May 13, 2012

Part III Happy OFFICIAL Mother'sDay

I woke up this morning feeling like today was going to be a great day filled with love, family bonding, and great food. Little by little that feeling is slipping out of my hands. Neither of my kids seem to care that today is supposed to be celebrating their mother. One is locked away in her bedroom engrossed in the internet and the other is preoccupied spending time with his girlfriend and her mother. I trollop downstairs and start the preparations… marinating the meat, making cupcakes and side dishes, etc. The sink if brim full of dishes because the offspring are in mid-debate over who’s turn it is, no neither will do them. There are soda cans, fast food bags, shoes and sweatshirts tossed randomly all over the house. I am disgusted. I am annoyed. But most of all I am saddened. This generation is so self-absorbed and entitled. I would never imagine treating my mother this way, ever. Especially on this special day.

Because I love and cherish my own mother so deeply, I am going to make the best of this day. I am going to smile through my tears and put on a brave face. Next year, I am passing on this dog and pony show and taking my mom out, just the two of us. My dear mama is unimaginably loving. She is sweet, caring, honest (brutally sometimes), thoughtful of others, beautiful, funny, dedicated and patient. She has sacrificed so many times to provide for myself and my older siblings. She has forgiven us for the utterly stupid things we have done and offered advice when she was asked. She allowed us to make mistakes but made sure we learned from our missteps. But most of all she taught me patience. So on this day where it is being tested to the utmost, I thank YOU, Elizabeth Ann for raising me to be the daughter and woman I am today. I love you.

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