Monday, September 5, 2011

Winds of Change

2011 began like a firework, full of promise to amaze into something spectacular. Except it turned out to be a dud, a defective spark that fizzled out. Where work was expected to be in abundance, future projects galore, thus providing a steady income. Womp.... wooomp... woooooomp..... In a matter of weeks, work dried up, and my goals were put on indefinate hold. Well, it has been six LONG months of creative financing, emotional distress, growing pains, and heartbreak. At long last, a great opportunity has knocked at door and things are once again looking up. Although it was indeed an amusing summer, a lot of free time on my hands to run amok and get into mischief, I am quite ready to get back to real life.

With this new opportunity comes a ray of hope. Fiancial stability, better health, career longevity, retirement matching... suddenly all those seemingly "perfect"  jobs I interviewed for that did not come to fruition have morphed from bitter misfortune into a testimonial to never losing faith. Also a reminder that everything happens for a reason.

I find it amazingly apropos that this new pursuit became official at the onset of the Labor Day weekend. I have completed all the required steps, turned in all the paperwork and signed on the dotted line.  So I close this post as th newly official "Assistant Director of Plant Operations". Pretty darned snazzy. Time for that firework show to get re-sparked. 2012 is lookin' up.

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