Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Last of a Dying Breed... Renaissance Man

Every so often I am privileged to spend quality time with an incredible individual who is a man of ineffable proportions. His aura continually radiates positivity and seems to be contagious to yours truly. He has a fabulous sense of humor. Is diverse. Considerate. Handsome. Traveled. An innate gentleman. Worldly. Intuitive. Sexy. Honest. Beautifully schematized and internally tidy. Classy. Flirtatious. Polite. Romantic. Affectionate. A sensual lover. Ambitious. Educated. Adventurous and a bit of a daredevil. Balanced. Artistic.

His royalty is open in heart and mind. Talented. Playful. Charming. Faithful. Conscientious. Unobtrusive. No baggage, no drama, no hang-ups. Wise. A man of honor and a man of his word. Confident, yet humble. Compassionate. Tender. Forgiving. Secure with himself. Nonjudgmental. Courteous. Appreciative. Morally and ethically sound. Personable. Family oriented. A bit mischievous. Those who are not envious of his demeanor will try to emulate it. He is the paradox to typical etiquette (or lack thereof). He is all substance, sans the flash. All awe minus the shock. A true testament to a man raised well. In a city full of scum, free-loaders, players and all other undesired miscreants who treat women as fast food, he is a searing commodity. So I ask you, why he is still unattached?

The gravitational pull to him is amazing, almost frightening. Never would I intentionally be a bull in his china shop and there is an ominous inner voice warning me about showing to much affection for fear of pushing him away. I am happy to spend the quality time on occasion, the obligatory movie, coffee house or to simply stroll with abandon and appreciate nature. Somehow these simple things are so much more memorable when shared with a man of his caliber.

In a life of singlism he is genuinely the one person I feel in my soul to be worthy of my infinite affection. I have written many prose regarding relationships with equity and should a coupling ever be reborn and GPS’d back on the road map of my life, there is no doubt he is equitable. He is the sole person who has no hidden agenda and accepts me for who I am; flaws and all. At the same time, inspires me to better myself, to evolve into the epitome of a good woman, one not easily let go and never forgotten. I become reflective, mindful of self, almost pensive upon his departure. I select my words, actions and decisions with more consideration. I find myself unconscientiously smiling around him or even at the thought of his touch.

This chap ceaselessly leaves me anticipating our next meeting and has set free those hard-to-find mariposa in the bowels of my belly. I patiently await new experiences, new memories, and all the things to share in the future. Through this sunshine there is only one gray cloud… he is a bit intimidating. He is all things admired and sought for in a companion, yet somehow seemingly unattainable. In a world with the unwritten law of “if it seems too good to be true, it probably isn’t” I pray that this is the one exception. I trust the big guy upstairs has his listening ears on tonight.

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