Monday, February 15, 2010

Define Irony...

Today was a spontaneous day at the very least. Started with the plan of homework, relaxing and perhaps taking the doggie for a walk. After about an hour, class was cast aside like a sailor's common sense on a weekend liberty pass. Laptop was hastily closed, hair thrown into a pony and flip flop sandals donned my feet. The chariot stopped at the local teen hangout... the mall. It was filled with the proverbial pimple faced teenager enjoying a holiday from school. I would bet my bottom dollar not a single one knew what president was being remembered. I digress...

10 minutes later I was seated in a darkened theater, nachos on lap, Starbucks in the cup holder and cell phone on vibrate. (too bad not everyone got the memo on theater etiquette). Two hours later the curtain rolled back down and mini-me and I did a little clearance rack treasure hunt and spontaneously decided to make a run for the border in search of a much sought-after pair of gray Chuck Taylor's she has been jonesin' for. A quick stop at the domicile to pick of the other mini-me (not so "mini" and really not so "me") we were headed the 20 miles south to the San Ysidro Outlet Mall. We were victorious in our search and headed home not only with the prized Chuck's, but a few Hurley shirts for the boy. Amazing how 30 yards beyond the parking lot we could clearly see the border fence and Tijuana cowboys pondering what section of the fence would be easiest to get them access to the US ponderosa. And here comes the aforementioned irony....

Upon arrival home, my son realizes the Hurley shirt, which has "San Diego" printed on it has the well-known (to locals, anyway) image on the back of a Dad-Mom-Kid trio running across the freeway. This is the exact sign warning drivers on I-5 to be cautious of pedestrians crossing the freeway. Racist much? Here is the kick in the ass I found mind blowing.... the shirt has a tag on the inside... "Hecho In Mexico". (Made in Mexico)

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