Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pickin' Season

Thursday text from daughter:

A: MOM!! Guess what my GPA is?!?
ME: Ummm it must be great if you are so excited...
A: a 4.7!!!
ME: Makin your mama proud, kiddo

Looking back, in my high school years, I was a lousy student. My parents didn't care about grades or homework, as long as I graduated and moved out. Sounds cruel, but this was my reality. So I skated by doing the bare minimum. I ditched all the time (typically to go to work) I partied in Tijuana every chance I got (back then it was not as deadly as it is now) and hung out with my much-older college-age cousin (she was a "good Catholic girl" whom they trusted) which ultimately lead to me trying to be more grown up than I was ready to be. At 18 I was on my own. I attempted community college because it seemed like the next logical step. But in the 1st semester I got pregnant and that was the end of higher education for the next 20 years. At least I finally got that degree. In the meantime, seeing how both my children excel in their education, are both innately driven to do their best and still maintain active social lives and honorable hobbies... makes me wonder what I might have accomplished in life, had my own parents carried higher expectations. No regrets here because I am basically a happy person with life. I suppose my apples have fallen FAR from their tree, and rolled into a whole different orchard. It does my heart good to get these type of messages... makes me feel like somewhere along the line, I did something right. : )

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