Monday, May 2, 2011

Through the Lens of Social Ecology

Since I don't have much to say lately, I will share a little something... a friend of mine told me about this website... I can honestly say I have now spent over two hours laughing at the most random texts. It's called "Texts from Last Night" and the insanity of some of the submitted texts, if nothing else, restored my opinion that I am relatively normal... Here are my favorites from my home town area code. Thank you, San Diego for the giggles...

Good news! Whoever used this stall at Target earlier...not pregnant!

We were driving to yogurt express by state and these girls mooned is while they passed us and we saw full vag complete with tampon string dangling.

went to library to start paper due tomorrow & took those orange addys u gave. now realizing they were ur xanax. completely fucked and going to fail, but calmly at peace with the situation.

Do you know how hard it is to masturbate with a runny nose?

His shopping cart was nothing but malt liquor and zucchini.

I mean, I don't even call it a hangover anymore. It's just morning.

Dude, she literally stopped, mid fuck said "I want soup" got off my dick and make top ramen.

on todays agenda: meeting with a life coach then going to the dollar store to buy batteries for my vibrator. clearly im still unemployed.

im downtown. alone. lost. drunk. dressed as santa. dont find me. i just heard someone say mechanical bull.

i screwed him while his gf was puking in the shower. 2011 is looking up already

My professor complimented me on the well drawn penis on my face then asked if I would like a seat closer to the garbage can.

So the same day I accidentally bought waterproof mascara is the day I accidentally had shower sex. The world is finally on my side.

FYI the landlord called, said we need to clean the puke off the side of the house...was someone on the roof lastnight??

Check Facebook. Random dude tagged us in photos from last night dancing at Denny's while eating a sampler platter. 1. How does he have our names, and 2. You said we ate at Tbell.

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